At 05:51 PM 3/11/2010, you wrote:
>On Thu, 2010-03-11 at 05:43 -0500, Mark Wendt (Contractor) wrote:
> > Kirk,
> >
> >          Do you have a #0 tool position?  With an incremental counter
> > going from passing the #0 tool, just check the increment, and if it's
> > equal to or larger than the median go one way, and if it's smaller
> > than the median go the other.
> >
> > Mark
>Thanks Mark. I was going to write a component in C to make the decision
>on direction and distance. I was thinking that there might be a C trick
>that might be able to do it in a line or two. I guess (X + Y)/2 =
>M, ?M>X, ?M<X, could be pretty short.

Even shorter...

if !i>=X then...

Course, each time you passed 0, you'd have to zeroize your "i" 
variable, and that snippet assumes the "i" variable has been zeroized 
or you've started out at the #0 tool.

>Seb has a component (modmath) already written so I need to look at both
>(Short URL)

I saw the discussion about that after I replied.  Too quick on the draw...  ;-)

>Here is my tool changer:
>(Thinking aloud)
>The vertical Geneva drive in the first picture has been replaced with a
>Bodine DC gearmotor driven by a PWM input amp. The gearmotor will drive
>the carousel both ways. The sprocket in the second picture will be
>modified to add a 4:1 gear reducer and an absolute encoder that reads 0
>to 1023 then wraps between tool 24 and 1.

That could be tricky.  even with a 4:1 gear reducer it's kind of an 
ugly map between 1024 pockets and 24 tools.

>I'll need to figure out how to handle both tool number (1 - 24) and
>pocket location (0 - 1023). Right now, I need to build all the parts,
>then play with the software until it works.
>I think I'll calculate the direction then calculate the error between
>the current location and the requested location, feed this into limit2
>or limit3 to get the velocity PWM signal to send to the amp. Hopefully
>this will bring the carousel to the requested tool and constantly
>correct any position errors. The limit will keep acceleration and max
>speed in check.
>Kirk Wallace
>California, USA


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