Managed to get my serial connected 3M touch screen working (sort of)
with Ubuntu 10.04 after several days of cursing and restarts.

It would appear that they tried to be clever and introduce support for
netbooks and the like and dropped the old xorg.conf by default and
recognize everything automatically, with pretty disastrous results.

They have since "fixed" some of the problems that introduced,
unfortunately only on updates from 10.04.1 

And they are messing with it again 

"Files ending in *.conf in the /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.d/ directory
(NOTE: will be changed to /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d for 10.10) are
automatically loaded by X at start prior to reading the xorg.conf"

How I managed to get mine to work, I'm not wholly sure. My new xorg.conf
bears no resemblance to my old one and I still have a problem on

On first startup, touch screen doesn't work. Logout and log on again and
it does!

Steve Blackmore

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