Schooner wrote:
> Hi
> This was a vexed question for me after I made a pendant and need more IO 
> to work it.
> None of the Parport IO cards I tried would not work at all, the problem 
> was getting them to work in EPP with pins 2-9 as inputs.
You don't need EPP mode to get the data pins as inputs.  Try PS/2 
(bidir) mode, and there
is a command-line option to the EMC parport driver to set these pins as 
inputs when loading
it with the loadrt command.
> What I did find however, was that 2 of the cards recommended (SIIG and 
> Sun1188) would not work in input mode no matter what I did.
The older SIIG cards need a Windows 95 utility to set the port mode into 
the on-board
ROM.  Once set, then it will power up in that mode without special 


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