Correct me if I am wrong, but the only reason for putting a LPT port 
card into EPP mode is to make it compatible with a device like the Mesa 

If you are using the card for step and direction I don't believe you 
need to use EPP mode.

I have found the Netmos chips to work fine for step and direction and 
I/O, but I understand they have major bugs when using EPP mode.

I have not had any problems with Mach3 and the Netmos 9805 type chips.

The last time I did the LPT card hunt I found the Rosewill card that 
worked well and I bought 4 of them..

$10.99 at Newegg.   Gotta love the price if nothing else.  :-)


On 9/14/2011 4:21 AM, Schooner wrote:
> Hi
> This was a vexed question for me after I made a pendant and need more IO
> to work it.
> None of the Parport IO cards I tried would not work at all, the problem
> was getting them to work in EPP with pins 2-9 as inputs.
> I found previous entries from Jon, Kirk and others on this subject.
> By repeated experiment; setting bits for EPP mode, pre-loading parport
> drivers and then unloading before EMC, even setting the write flag for
> the device under /proc/bus/pci/??? I seem to recall,
> I got both computers running with MOSChip based cards (9845 I think).
> Once I managed to force them into mode, I did not have to repeat it all
> at every start up.
> What I did find however, was that 2 of the cards recommended (SIIG and
> Sun1188) would not work in input mode no matter what I did.
> This despite both functioning as such if used with Mach.
> There were also differences in getting the card to work under the same
> version of EMC ( seems to make no difference which one you use), almost
> identical computers (same make model, just 4Mhz difference in processor
> speed).
> So the moral is, it will be easy once you have done it, keep hitting
> your head on it !!
> regards
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