
This was a vexed question for me after I made a pendant and need more IO 
to work it.

None of the Parport IO cards I tried would not work at all, the problem 
was getting them to work in EPP with pins 2-9 as inputs.

I found previous entries from Jon, Kirk and others on this subject.
By repeated experiment; setting bits for EPP mode, pre-loading parport 
drivers and then unloading before EMC, even setting the write flag for 
the device under /proc/bus/pci/??? I seem to recall,
I got both computers running with MOSChip based cards (9845 I think).
Once I managed to force them into mode, I did not have to repeat it all 
at every start up.

What I did find however, was that 2 of the cards recommended (SIIG and 
Sun1188) would not work in input mode no matter what I did.
This despite both functioning as such if used with Mach.

There were also differences in getting the card to work under the same 
version of EMC ( seems to make no difference which one you use), almost 
identical computers (same make model, just 4Mhz difference in processor 

So the moral is, it will be easy once you have done it, keep hitting 
your head on it !!


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