On 18 December 2011 04:38, BRIAN GLACKIN <glackin.br...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am not good with programming, but I work with surfaces in mining
> applications all the time.
> Why not create an XY grid of the z surface and then load that into EMC much
> like one loads in a map for backlash.

This is the basic idea, the fun comes in the implementation.

Screw compensation uses a file loaded once during initialisation, and
(as far as I know) can't be changed on the fly with EMC2 running.
I am fairly sure that reading a file into a running kinematics module
is likely to be a problem (the kins module runs in real-time, and
can't hang about waiting for file access). You probably would want the
option to load a shape file during initialisation, though.
How do you cope with users who don't give you a neat square grid? Or
those who, because of the shape of their work, can't map a full grid.

The implementation I have come up with would add X-in Y-in and Z-in
pins to the kins module for data-entry, and would be controlled by
"reset", "learn" and "active" pins.

"reset" simply clears the (XYZ) data.
When "learn" is toggled the current (XYZ) values are added into the
random point cloud.
When "active" is set the machine runs off and converts the point cloud
to a regular cartesian grid covering the whole machine. Testing would
be required to see if this code can run fast enough. It might have to
be re-entrant and share the processing over many cycles.

With this scheme it would be possible for a userspace component to
read data from a file and load it into the kins.

For bonus points the system would be plane-aware, so allowing it to be
used to correct bow and skew in a lathe, or table droop.
The idea that there is no such thing as objective truth is, quite simply, wrong.

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