On Sunday, January 15, 2012 04:09:35 AM Erik Christiansen did opine:

> On 14.01.12 23:25, gene heskett wrote:
> > But what I now see in the strace output is a fail of a FUTEX that
> > could have been there all along, whatever the heck that futex is.
> Well, t'aint so different from a mutex (which is just a semaphore, or
> "mutual exclusion" flag, normally used by threads competing for a common
> resource.) Futex is just a linuxy "fast userspace mutex" version of
> that.
> ...
> > Is any of this making sense to anybody?
> Nah, not much, except that:
> > Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
> seems to reveal a missing class. I understand very little of java, but
> can you find:
> > javax.media.j3d.WakeupCriterion
> anywhere in the code? (Mind you, if it were in some other lib, then nm
> will probably just say "no symbols", 'cos they work for Murphy too.)
It is not in visolate.jar.  Where else in the willow tree called java, I 
have no clue this time of the night.  I look at some of the other libs from 
java3d in the morning.  And  FWIW, nm claims to have no knowledge of a 
.jars file format.  So I'll probably have to use grep when I do get to it.

> > At this point, I'm bumfuzzled (or whatever your fav expression for
> > confused is) and would seem to be getting worse.  Oldtimers is hell.
> " Oldtimers is hell." because when we were young, we hadn't seen the
> view from the top of enough learning curves to quibble about the climb?

Probably, and we had the wind to enjoy the climb back than too.
> I like your hack to help it find your libraries. (I'd have been
> conformist, and rebuilt with new -Ixyz arguments, which wastes time.)

So does switching back and forth between term sessions & doing all that 
copy/pasting to create the links.

I figure adding the links shouldn't break the rest of the java 6 install.  
I have java 7 here, but this code was last touched in 2006, so I have real 
serious doubts it would need anything from java 7.
FWIW, doing it that way, cuts the execution time by about 90%, always a 
plus.  One of those tricks that User Friendly's Sid Dabster probably uses.  
His beard is a bit longer, and I don't have a coffee cup super glued to my 
hand (well, I _can_ force myself to let go of it when it needs rebored) & I 
probably outweigh the original.  But then you had that figured out if 
you've looked at my web page. ;-)

> Erik
> (Who's not much help on this one.)

It may, when I'm awake for the day, turn out to have been the clue to find 
it, so don't beat yourself up about it.  I find I get lost in the 
information overload and my eyes glaze over about the time I made the last 
link.  Getting a fresh start on something like this the next day still 
seems to help.

Cheers, Gene
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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