Am 15.01.2012 05:25, schrieb gene heskett:
> Hi all;
> I just spent 2 hours ogling strace output while trying to get this 
> visolate.jar to do something even if it was to tell me to go away.
> What I was doing was looking at the strace output for the first instance of 
> each library etc that it wanted to open, did a mkdir -p to that location, 
> then did an 'ls -l `locate libname' that it could not find, than added a 
> softlink from the real file to that name, in that directory.  After 4 or 5 
> sessions of that, I no longer had any file not found's output by the 
> strace. It was finding everything it wanted in that dept.
> This didn't effect the actual exit messages!
> But what I now see in the strace output is a fail of a FUTEX that could 
> have been there all along, whatever the heck that futex is.  From that 
> strace:
> [snip lots of strace success lines]
> futex(0xb6a95bd8, FUTEX_WAIT, 20248, NULLException in thread "main" 
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/media/j3d/WakeupCriterion
>         at visolate.Visolate.<init>(
>         at visolate.Visolate.<init>(
>         at visolate.Main.main(
> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 
>         at$
>         at Method)
>         at
>         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>         at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
>         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>         ... 3 more
> ) = 0
> exit_group(1) 
>                           = ?
> And I get the bash prompt back.
> Another strange thing is that there is an /etc/java/java.conf file that 
> says where the .jars are supposed to be, but its being ignored, I must pass 
> the full path to the .jar, or the error is "can't find it" in java speak.
> Is any of this making sense to anybody?  At this point, I'm bumfuzzled (or 
> whatever your fav expression for confused is) and would seem to be getting 
> worse.  Oldtimers is hell.

I don't know why but it seems to be easier to reference the java3d libs
in windows than in linux. I tried it myself and i can't get visolate to
find the libs in linux. So i decided to refactor the jar in eclipse and
include the required java3d libs into the jar. So for now only the
native opengl libs from the java3d package are needed anymore. And this
is quite easy.
Just download my new created visolate.jar from [1] and set the ld path
correctly. You need to extract the two files "lib3dcode-ogl*.so" from
the java3d zip file from [2] and copy them where you want. I copied them
to /home/user/rainer/lib and after that in the console do "export
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/user/rainer/lib". Now you can run the jar file
with "java -jar visolate.jar".
But the export statement is only active in the shell where it was executed.



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