On 4/23/2012 2:24 AM, Michael Haberler wrote:
> let's discuss terminology for a minute (paths vs gcode segments)
> we have:
> 1. linear G-code programs (no oword control structures)
> 2. G-code with arbitrary control structures
> 3. Some other yet-to-be-invented language for machine control.
> execution of any such program generates a path (sequence of moves), which is 
> input to the trajectory planner.
> <...>
> So for these features the language really drops out of the picture (although 
> it might supply parameters to drive operations on paths), which is why I used 
> the term 'path history'.

As an aside, the choice of language (and the nature of the program 
written in it) will still determine how much work the interpreter has to 
do before a warning sign can loom into view in the headlights (to borrow 
Eric's phraseology) of the trajectory planner. It may not be an issue in 
developing an architecture, but it may still be a performance consideration.
> Any preprocessor-based solution to one of these problems also needs to 
> generate the path, operate on it, and then regenerate matching G-code (which 
> will be the fun part of any such venture).

Not that my opinion as a bystander counts for much, but I'm acutely 
uncomfortable with a preprocessor-based solution as the only effort, in 
part because it annoys me to think of all the work some of us did in the 
80s and 90s to make sure IGES and PDES/STEP could pass NURBS curves and 
surfaces into and out of CAD systems as required in real-world designs 
like cars, ships, airplanes, and most consumer products. First the CAD 
system creates them, then the CAM system destroys them, then a 
preprocessor tries to infer them. Sigh. At a suitable level of 
abstraction, the same problem exists in the CAD world where people keep 
trying to convert back and forth between CAD models consisting of BRep, 
CSG, or other geometric representations and visualization models 
consisting of tessellated surfaces such as triangular meshes. So-called 
surface-reconstruction software demands a premium price in today's market.

On the other hand, those users who see the need can pursue a 
preprocessor-based solution now, not waiting for a better solution that 
may or may not appear at some date in the future. I've never believed in 
letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. If a better solution does 
show up in future, so much the better. One can never have too many tools:-)


PS - sorry for my brain spasm over "CRC" yesterday. A nudge from Andy, a 
new day, a cup of fresh coffee, concentration on subtractive instead of 
additive manufacturing and I'm back in the right ballpark.

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