Erik Christiansen wrote:
> Jon, there's probably no need to do this backwards. Look-ahead only
> needs to be simple look-ahead, nothing more, AIUI. The current velocity
> (feedrate) is known, and the stopping distance for the machine at that
> velocity is fixed.
> So, by summing immediately upcoming gcode path segments to a length a
> little greater than the stopping distance, LinuxCNC can _safely_
> continue at full feedrate in the currently executing path segment if
> there are no sharp bends or stops in the look-ahead "headlights" zone of
> scanned path segments. If there's a sharp manoeuvre showing in the
> headlights: drop feedrate below that gcoded for the executing segment,
> according to the deceleration needed for the impending path deviation.
> So the look-ahead is simple.
> If there's any complexity thus far, or need to do it backwards, then I'm
> having trouble seeing it, and would appreciate enlightenment.
OK, the problem with looking "ahead" is that these blocks have not been 
yet.  So, your description is a lot like mine, just standing at the 
other end of
a buffer of some sort, and looking the opposite direction.  But, when 
you are
at some point in the G-code, you'd have to read and interpret the code going
forward in the file by some distance, which is an arbitrary number of 
> The memory required to queue even a thousand coordinate points of a long
> G1 path is so miniscule in relation to current RAM stick sizes, as to be
> completely negligible, I think.


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