John Thornton wrote:
> RPC only running AB=245 BC=253 AC=253
> With the BP 308 (Simodrive 611) powered up AB=245 BC=245 AC=245
> With the Samson 7.5hp manual lathe spindle at 660 RPM AB=244 BC=232
> Adding the 308's spindle at 1000 RPM AB=244 BC=234 AC=229
> Ramping up to 3000 RPM on the 308's spindle AB=244 BC=234 AC=227
> So it appears I need to do a bit more tuning with the caps as the load 
> is dragging down the voltage on the generated leg. Interestingly with 
> the Samson running the BP 308 would start from 0 to a higher RPM than 
> with it off even though the voltage had been pulled down by the Samson's 
> spindle.
Yup, you need a setting that gives the best balance over a RANGE of 
loads, from
no-load to worst-case.  Adding the Samson lathe is essentially adding 
large idler motor, and may improve the balance under the worst-case load.

If you can get the generated leg to sag less under this load without 
surging too
high at no-load, you may solve the problem.


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