
Am 19.03.2013 um 14:23 schrieb Wesley Moore:

> Brief background: EPICS is a basically a client-server framework for 
> cross-platform distributed controls.  The server-side provides variables that 
> clients can read/write too.  The variables can store data or act as triggers.

I had never heard of that; but I'll look at it more closely, there could be 
some interesting ideas in it. Some of the communication patterns sound very 
much what I have in mind (the future vehicle will be based on zeroMQ and 
protobuf encoded messages; with the option to carry NML as well for the 
migration period).

So this will the command & control layer I assume?

> Currently, I'm testing/learning linuxcnc with a 3-axis mill for proof of 
> principle.  But our goal is to build a hexapod that's fully integrated with 
> our EPICS controls, that's where I come in.  One of my colleagues posted a 
> design sim here:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nSfLRaEPEE&list=UU7zkQp-M-_i3c498p9MGWmA&index=1
> In the end, the most used controls would likely be jog, jog speed, and 
> homing.  Most of the configuration would be considered experts only and setup 
> ahead of time.

Note that due to history LinuxCNC sports two parallel methods of accessing and 
modifying state in the actual machine, with different API's - NML commands, and 
the HAL API; one a bit networked, the other not. Maybe you want to get a feel 
what these do, and let me know which ones match better what you need? for 
simple moves you might get away without NML altogether. HAL will remain in its 
current form but get a networked API on top for generalized command in/status 
out interfaces; NML I intend to completely replace eventually. It is unlikely 
this happens this year though, so dont rely on it.

If you would want to try a scripted approach to say jogging, or controlled 
moves, I suggest you explore the linuxcnc Python module; if needed, run it over 
SSH: http://www.linuxcnc.org/docs/html/common/python-interface.html

Could you point me to a simple example in EPICS how that is currently done 
_within_ that framework? 

I would assume that interfaces to other 'real world' systems as well, any 
examples for such interfaces?



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