jeremy youngs wrote:
> so how far does lcnc actually look ahead?????
One block!  It always operates at a speed such that it can come to a full
stop on the next G-code block.  Some users who do high-speed
contouring need more lookahead, and then it becomes arbitrary
how far ahead you have to look.  I proposed a scheme a long time
ago where you would look ahead and mark points where you needed
to slow down to avoid exceeding the machine's acceleration limits,
then run backward through the program to a point where the slowdown
needed to begin.  It effectively would add an F word on every block,
even when the actual G-code didn't specify one.  I also posited
that this couldn't be done in real time as the distance back you had
to go to begin the slowdown was arbitrary.  But, such an operation
doesn't sound extremely difficult.  Basically, you don't do anything
different until you spot a block where the speed needs to be reduced
below the commanded feedrate, then you have to run back to put
in the lowered speed.  Maintaining a queue of past moves that
runs back for 100 or so blocks might make it easier to figure out
where the slowdown needs to begin.


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