On 08/01/2013 04:02 PM, Gregg Eshelman wrote:
> Finally have the old Acra mill home where I can have a look at the system and 
> see what it has and what it needs.
> The Z axis has a Baldor (Anilam labled) FMD0000B-00 and the Y axis has a 
> Miltronics (also Anilam labled) MT30M4-5. There's no X axis motor but I 
> assume it would have been the same as the Y axis.
... snip

I would tend to look at a 90 VDC brushed treadmill motor and refit it 
with better bearings and custom end housings.

Using the glass scales can present tuning problems, even with low 
backlash, let alone with single nut ball screws or a worn machine. A 
good set up would be to use the scales for positional feedback, then fit 
rotary encoders to the motors for velocity feedback.

Otherwise, I'm partial to fitting just a rotary encoder to the ball 
screw with a belt to the motor, which is a compromise between positional 
and motor motion feedback.
Kirk Wallace

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