On 3/16/2014 6:47 AM, Lester Caine wrote:
> Gene Heskett wrote:
>>> http://www.homanndesigns.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPat
>>>> h=1&products_id=21
>> 3 concerns with the -03 Peter (besides the ripoff when converting AUD to
>> USD, usually resulting in at least an $80 charge).
> Shipping around the world seems to be in free fall at the moment?
> 'Ripoff' is probably the right word, but it is the fat cat financial people 
> and
> the carriers who are doing it?
> I don't bring Gecko stuff into the UK because of the cost of shipping it over,
> but I was tempted to buy one of Peter when he first sold them on offer as 
> there
> was a substantial saving buying an American unit from Australia into Europe.
> If a buy a certain Gecko product in the UK it's £332 delivered. If I buy it 
> from
> the US direct its only £210 even with express delivery. From Peter it comes in
> at only £200 today ... Wish I had picked one up now when it was on offer ;)

I have never understood why prices in the UK for tech equipment is so high 

£332 vs £200 is crazy.   For that price difference couldn't you import it for 
£200, pay duties, sell it for £280 and still make a nice profit while 
undercutting the guy selling it for £332?  I must not understand what is 
required to get tech equipment into the UK.

With container ships zipping across the oceans, shipping should be cheap if you 
can wait for a couple of weeks.


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