On 2 April 2014 05:51, Bill Brettle <billbret...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 1. how is Xenable triggered, it doesn't appear to be going high

Xenable isn't a HAL pin, so I assume that it is a signal that is
created in your HAL file.
You probably want to connect it to axis.0.amp-enable-out.

> My setup is a 3 axis, 2 wire connection. The 2 wires require B & C (or A &
> D) phases and provides the other phases as inversions of the phases
> provided.

Does that work? I thought that the step sequence required each phase
to be completely off some of the time.
There are 4 patterns, and you have 4 codes, so it should be possible
to make it work.
Looking at (for example) pattern 8
Does show the phases you describe, I can't decide if that will drive a
unipolar motor, or if is is designed as a differential drive to a

> The attached BillsMill.hal shows how I have configured the pins ie by just
> omitting configurations for A & D, I don't know how this will work.

You may need to choose pattern 6 or 8 (the actual phase excitation
will be the same with either in your situation). These are the
patterns that output the full 4 combinations on just two pins.

> 3. I have developed my Gcode files with CNCSimulatorPro but I found out
> that LCNC cannot read these even though I have saved them as .ngc.

What do they look like? How does LinuxCNC fail to read them?

If you can't fix it, you don't own it.

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