> > I looked into PNCconf with the  prob_x2   XML file.
> > I found a bug caused by Peters's XML's not using the same labels as
> > linuxcnc's XMLs. It caused some of the GPIO pins not to show.
> > I will push a fix.
> > 
> Great.  Downloadable by itself?  URL?
I will push to 2.5.x but it is a one line fix in pncconf.py :

line 4683:             pinconvertnone = {"NOT USED":GPIOI}

> > 
> > It might be nice to add the PIN info to the XML file, then pncconf
> > might be able to display better numbers, but it gets complicated when
> > using daughter boards.
> I got a pinout from mesaflash, by interrogating the card, which does show 
> both component and pins.  Very, very helpful. :)

Yes I hand wrote some files for some of the firmware and pressing the help key 
will show them but there isn't any for your particular firmware :(

> Basically, all I really need out of the 5i25 is its much higher sample 
> speed encoder, I am happy with the way everything else runs right now.
> PncConf makes that encoder config needlessly complex, making me enter a 
> bunch of numbers I don't have instant access to. If we could get the 50 
> slots/rev and x4 settings out of the hal file by default, it would be much 
> easier to setup correctly.

Did you realize you can set the scale directly? You don't need to calculate it
using pncconf.  Just type it in the scale box.
I don't understand what you mean by getting the info from the HAL file.

> Once the 5i25 has been setup by disabling what I don't need, does this 
> hold over a powerdown?
> Thanks Chris.

After you flash a custom firmware, the firmware will always be the same after
a powerdown. The (de)selection of components to change to GPIO,
is done at load time so will need to be done correctly each time you start 

> > Chris M
> > 

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