On Saturday 20 February 2016 12:48:21 Florian Rist wrote:

> Hi Gene,
> I'm not sure if it's useful, but using this tool:
> https://www.hoffmann-group.com/US/en/hus/Mono-machining/Solid-carbide-
> An doing two cuts you might be able to get what you want. Hoffman
> sells these from 2 to 0.2 mm but the charge about 150 EUR for each.
> See you
> Florian

Way above my pay grade. :(  And still the ends of the cutters are at 90 
degrees. It would take 4 vise jig setups, and 2 of then can't be done 
because LCNC cannot rotate a coordinate system about any axis but z.

Now if I could rotate the co-ordinate system about the y axis, 
effectively tilting the X axis, that might be usable.  But since we 
cannot, its not usable.  And I just discovered I don't have one of the 
backlash comps right, its carving holes about a thousandth oblong, tight 
on the x axis. Looks like I need to add about .25 thou to the x 
backlash.  But I can't fiddle with that while it is running unless the 
show halconfig might allow me to setp another half a thou for the 

I didn't think of that till this instant, darnit.  Dumb old man...

Thanks Florian.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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