I have tried the at_pid..  I have not had it work for me (create 
workable PID numbers)  Even with velocity mode amps.


On 4/7/2016 11:36 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Wednesday 06 April 2016 05:50:30 andy pugh wrote:
>> On 6 April 2016 at 09:53, Marshland Engineering
>> <marshl...@marshland.co.nz> wrote:
>>> The only way I can get any control over the travel is setting P =
>>> 0.5 which of course makes the position accuracy poor.
>> I am not sure that that necessarily follows. The P term is correct
>> when it is correct, there isn't a target value.
>> You should be able to correct steady-state errors by adding I. You may
>> be able to damp the oscillations with a little bit of D (expect D to
>> be a tiny fraction of P)
> Is this a point where it might be recommended to use the "at-pid" module,
> read the manpage carefully, and see what sort of results can be
> obtained? I have not tried this myself, but have the manpage preprinted
> for the next time I go play with the newer mill.
> I think it would be a Good Thing(TM) if we can build up a database of
> sorts showing that it can do automatically, at least as good as we can
> do manually, at a considerable time savings in arriving at a well
> working setup overall.
> But in the 9 years since its advent, I can only recall a very few
> comments about it, how well it works etc, so obviously it is not being
> at all widely used.  N.I.H. syndrome perhaps?
> With man page in hand, I intend to see how well I can make it work, and
> if it gives better results than my own cuss & cry efforts have managed.
> But ATM, I am rummaging thru the midden heap in here, trying to find
> what I need to get my taxes filed by the 15th.  And generating 13 gallon
> trash bags full of shredded paper that should have been shredded 4 years
> or more ago.  Packratitis is incurable, darn it.
> Cheers, Gene Heskett

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