On Tuesday 30 May 2017 02:06:38 Erik Christiansen wrote:

> On 29.05.17 16:58, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > Now, a fat32 file system (/boot) has no concept of making a file
> > immutable that I know of, so how can I protect the kernel.img and
> > kernel7.img's from being replaced by non-realtime crap from raspian?
> If you don't format fat32 for any reason other than giving the media
> away, then there is no fat problem. Even if /boot is on the SD card,
> that's not a great reason to use a crippled file format in a *nix
> environment. For USB sticks & SD cards, I'm using:
> Plug it in, and wait for automounting to complete, then:
> # mount     # To see what /dev/s??? it is.
> # umount    # So we can format it.
> # mkfs.ext3 /dev/s???
> If there's a better treatment for fat32, then I haven't yet heard of
> it, except perhaps for going to ext4. (Haven't tried that yet.)
> ...
> > Now, following along in man apt_preferences, I've written a pin file
> > and placed it in /etc/apt/preferences.d as "kernel.list" that reads
> > like this:
> >
> > Package: linux-kernel
> > Pin: version 4.4.9-rt17-v7+
> > Pin-Priority: 1001
> >
> > Package: linux-headers
> > Pin: version 4.4.9-rt17-v7+
> > Pin-Priority: 1001
> >
> > Maybe dpkg will obey? Apt and apt-get should.
> Now that's hopefully a gremlin-proof fence. (But watch out for
> Murphy's pigs.) ;-) As apt-get is quite convenient for
> installs/updates, it's probably worth cultivating the habit of using
> that.
> ...
> > It would be nice if all these detours didn't get in the way. :)
> Yebbut, now you're a pinning guru. (I've just taken a quick look at
> "man apt_preferences", and it suggests that /etc/apt/preferences is
> 'where you could specify "pinning"'. It seems to use the same syntax
> as you have, though. If I can avoid having to discover what e.g.
> "kernel.list" filename to use, then the apparently simpler single file
> approach suits me, lower on that learning curve)
> Erik

Well, apt just told me I named the file wrong.  For a change its not 
a .list, its either no extension or .pref. No complaints after I mv'd it 
to "kernel.pref"  That little tidbit of info is in the man page, but 
about 2 paragraphs up from the examples. I had to actually read the 
thing, horrors.  Its one of those man pages that almost fits the TL;DR 
category. One other tidbit is that they are read alphabetically, and 
last one governs. So I'm wondering if I should mv the file to 
zzzzz.prefs. ;-)

My bigger problem is that I may now be a pinning guru, but by this time 
next week, I may have forgotten it.  Short term memory is getting worse 
all the time.  I can recall something from the 1940's easier than what 
if anything, I had for breakfast this morning.  Upsetting to put it in 
mixed company language...

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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