On Sat, 7 Mar 2020, Leonardo Marsaglia wrote:
Date: Sat, 7 Mar 2020 10:20:52 -0300
From: Leonardo Marsaglia <ldmarsag...@gmail.com>
Reply-To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)"
To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)" <emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] 6i24 + 7i44 configuration
Hello again to all,
I'm reviving this discussion because I started attempting to configure my
setup to finally mount it on the machine (once it all works well off
Basically I'm using the 6i24 connected to a 7i52s for step output and to
read 1 encoder. Here's where I have the first doubts, mostly because I
don't do this too often.
If I want to use the full 6 stepgens and 6 encoder inputs of the bitfile
Peter made for my 6i24 I see on the dmesg that the encoder and stepens are
distributed between P3 and P4 of the board. Is this ok? Because the 7i52s
as you know only has one 50 pin flat cable port. I'm not planning to use
that much encoders and steppers but this guides me to the next question.
Thats because you are using a SVSTSS12_12_8_7I52SX2 configuration setup for
two 7I52S on P4 and P3 (if you just have 1 7I52S, only enable 6 stepgens
and 6 encoders and the P3 connector will revert to just GPIO)
Is there an easy way to see the correspondence between the pins on the 6i24
and the ones on the 7i52s ? Because if I use only 3 stepgens and 1 encoder
I can see they are all in the P4 connector and I have also some free I/Os
on that connector too but I don't know how to identify them on the 7i52s
other than start probing them one by one.
You can look at the pinout file and the 7I52S manual but its simpler than
that, the stepgens and encoders are simply in the 7I52S manual order, that is
encoders 0..5 match the manual exactly, and Step0 = TX0A, Dir0 =TX0B, Step1
=TX1A, Dir1=TX1B etc etc.
Besides that, I need to modify the PIN file since I need the 7i52s to be
plugged to P1 connector of the 6i24 (Notice that the 6i24 has three ports
labelled P1, P3, P4). I'm downloading Xilinx ISE 14.7 to try to modify the
original file that Peter made for me.
You can do this but I'm not sure why you would care about the 6I24
connector order.
Well, that's all for now, if you can help me a little bit I surely can make
all this work this weekend hopefully. I also need to try the 7i44 but I
need to understand this first.
Thanks as always for your help and patience!
The 7I44 connects to P1, thats about it
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Mesa Electronics
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