On 8/10/20 10:17 AM, Stuart Stevenson wrote:
> Is it possible to use two glass plates so you can let the parts cool
> outside of the printer while printing the next part?

Absolutely.  That would save 30 minutes per print.  That's how long it
takes for the thick borosilicate glass to cool and completely release
the part.  I can rush it and pull the part off at 20 minutes but it
requires a little bit of force that I'd rather not use.

I originally designed my small 3D print farm to use glass plates with
nickel plated steel strips siliconed to the bottom, to the sides of the
aluminum build plate, so I could use magnets underneath to secure the
glass plate so I could swap them quickly.  I decided that for production
printing, the extra 30 minutes per print wasn't a big deal and it would
be better to use high temperature double sided adhesive to
semi-permanently mount the glass plate.  I didn't want to handle a hot
glass plate or pull on the plate to remove it and possibly mess up the
bed leveling.  Handling glass plates will cause me to drop and break
one, and I'd need someplace to store the extra glass plate.

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