> From: Jon Elson [mailto:el...@pico-systems.com]
> On 12/13/2020 03:15 AM, Robert Murphy wrote:
> >
> > The reason for the switch from MK to Linuxcnc, the
> > Linuxcnc project just
> > has a better feel, IMHO, and the forum appears to have
> > more members that
> > use it in a commercial setting. I'm not saying that the
> > former statement
> > is gospel.
> >
> Yes, MachineKit is great if you want to run CNC on a very
> small, cheap set of boards.
> But, the MachineKit software project is almost moribund,
> there has been VERY little
> further development.  I think that is sad, they had some
> VERY exciting ideas, but some of them might have been hard
> to implement.
> LinuxCNC is still being very actively developed, with daily
> commits to the repository.
> My main CNC machine is a Bridgeport, so having extremely
> compact control hardware is not so
> important.
> Jon

I agree Jon.  Unless you are running a Unimat DB-200 or even a small 7x12 lathe 
the size of the control system really isn't a big deal.  And now with the Pi4 
and LinuxCNC the Beagle is even less of a valid choice although Robert's boards 
did remove the need for a BoB.

As for development on MachineKit.  Exactly what development are we really 
talking about?  When I ran the Beagle with the Xylotex board on the mill it 
behaved, from my perspective, exactly the same as the Pi4 with LinuxCNC 2.8.

Maybe it was missing the ability to create 'soft links' that 99.99% of users 
wouldn't care about or even know how to use?  <GRIN>

But seriously, there are those embedded into the world of rebuilding an OS on a 
regular basis and having fun with that.  And there are those who just want 
electronics so they can make parts.   Although I have a Comp. Sci. degree I'm 
of the latter group.  Rebuilding the software all the time is way too much like 
work-work.  Making chips from castings of patterns I've made is what I enjoy.

Quick story and then I'll be quiet.  I have a Raspberry Pi2 running OctoPrint 
driving a cheap 3D Cartesian printer which is run with a small 8 bit Arduino 
based controller.  USB from the Pi to the controller.  It has one of those 4 
line LCD displays and an array of 5 buttons for all the local control; a pain 
to use.  Even a small camera on the Pi2 so I can watch progress remotely.

I treat this 3D printer like I tread my table saw.  I turn it on.  Clean off 
the dust.  Home it and turn on the bed heater to bring it up to temperature.  A 
short while later in another room I drag and drop the gcode file, double click 
on it to load it ready for printing.  Run the home routines once more and when 
I see the Z axis has finished turning click on Print.

I may go out to the sunroom where the printer lives a few times but otherwise 
when the bed has cooled below 30C the part lifts off the glass and I start 
another print or shut it down.

So here's the important part of the story.  I made the mistake of clicking yes 
on an Octoprint upgrade request.  Big mistake.  Rather than first test the 
version of the OS before updating the code the Octoprint broke the OS.  I lost 
all my settings and ultimately had to install the latest OS with Octoprint and 
start over.  

When I complained I was told it was my fault for not running the latest OS all 
the time.  Not her problem she said.  Wasn't mine after that either.  I stopped 
my monthly financial support and the system has been stable ever since.  
Upgrades are no longer done nor needed nor wanted.

So the question for MachineKit on a Beagle with something like Robert's boards. 
How is MachineKit worse than LinuxCNC for a small mill or lathe?

For the those writing the software there's a _need_ or _hunger_ to have the 
biggest/fastest development machine and latest OS.  That results very quickly 
in code bloat and software that then runs poorly on the smaller older machines. 
 And the circle continues as users then have to upgrade hardware to run what 
used to be fast because now it doesn't have enough memory or is slow.  That's  
because rather than design for the smallest slowest machine they design for the 
latest and the evil upgrade cycle continues.

I'll be the first to agree that the Beagle video sucks.  Especially compared to 
a purpose built Pi for high speed video support.   The add on boards that 
duplicate a BoB for a Beagle are less than the lowest cost MESA plus BoB 
combination.  But given the pile of broken or chipped milling cutters I have in 
one box, that cost is minor.  So after a certain point the investment into the 
CNC side is also minor.  

But if you are running a smaller VGA size monitor that works and was free and 
video speed isn't a big criteria why not MachineKit and the BBB?  One only has 
to look at the under $300 milling machine controllers out of China with LCD 
display and a few buttons to see that the market is there for that sort of 
hardware.   An open source hardware/software solution (excludes Pi which isn't 
open source hardware) with a 7" or even 10" LCD touch screen and a raft of 
buttons running MachineKit or LinuxCNC would be a better gift to the market 
than an ever increasing in size LinuxCNC running on a yet another flavour of 
standalone board which is discontinued after the first production run.

The 4D Systems LCD display cape for the Beagle is a great example of that.  
Bought one.  No support.  Discontinued.  And so on...


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