>I am not sure that a CoC is any help there, until Kirk said what he
>said I had always considered this mailing list to be friendly, and
>that I was already behaving according to the CoC.

I have not noticed any of the problems that Kirk mentioned, but maybe I'm 
blind, too easy going, inclined too much to give people the benefit of the 

To your point that lots of people seem to join, only a few seem to post once 
and then disappear, I hesitate to use the term lurkers.  Sometimes joining a 
list is the only way to get access to the archives, once a person does and is 
able to search they may find their questions have been answered, so no need to 
post or maybe just once for clarification of something that wasn't addressed 

I don't post much because, unless I have a pertinent reply to a question, or 
something to ask (that doesn't prove I'm stupid <lol>).  I'll leave the airways 

I've decided to change that and if someone posts a really useful piece of 
information in response to someone else's question, or even because they're 
just documenting their journey   I'm going to write and tell them so and say 

That's way more than my 2 cents worth



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