On 6/29/21 4:28 PM, David Bagby wrote:

On 6/29/2021, Valerio Bellizzomi wrote:
vast majority of open source projects around the world has a CoC which
is created, reviewed and accepted by community members.

I've been monitoring this list since about 2002. I mostly just read and stay informed as best I can.  I've been trying to stay out of this topic, but I just can't - it seems to me that an obvious "management error" has been made.

I won't claim to know much about a majority of open source projects, but I'll assume the above quoted statement is true.

The second part of the statement does a good job of describing why there is controversy over, and discussion of the sudden appearance of a CoC.

As far as I know, a CoC for LinuxCNC was NOT "created, reviewed and accepted by community members".  It was just simply announced as a fait accomli.

Thus it should not be a surprise that there is was no consensus re its contents within the community, or that there appears to be little to zero by-in from the members of the community.  It's natural for people see question anything that suddenly get imposed on them.

This does raise the question of "imposed by whom"?   I am unaware of any current, formally functioning LCNC management organization which the community members would be predisposed to accept this from. So I'm not surprised that the general reaction is differing levels of WTF.

In my humble opinion, whoever (be that one or more people) worked in the background to give LCNC a new CoC and then simply announced has rather grossly overstepped their (presumed) authority.


well, the ones that are "well organized",  like Centos and some other large opensource projects for example, are way more organized,  with a corporate like structure, large amounts of money/grants etc. (look at how big RedHat is/was) but somehow always manage to get themselves in trouble, financially, legally etc.

linux cnc, I believe formerly emc2 (was it??) has been around for a long time, maybe that is why?

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