Patrick, I removed enigmail from thunderbird. I will try to reinstall it. If I have additional difficulties I will contact you. Thank you for your efforts.


On 5/16/2015 12:10 PM, Philip Jackson wrote:
On 16/05/15 16:22, Patrick Brunschwig wrote:
On 16.05.15 14:50, Philip Jackson wrote:
enigmail 1.8.2 Thunderbird 31.6.0 UbuntuStudio 1404, gnupg 2.0.22
Selecting the next message in a new thread of enigmail mail caused
an enigmail alert box to appear containing nothing but a red
exclamation mark and an ok button.
The message was apparently a signed message but no enigmail header
was displayed.  I clicked ok to get rid of the alert box and then
tried to check the key properties.
It looked like I didn't have the key (normally these are imported
automatically on my setup) so I tried a manual import using the
fingerprint details supplied by the writer at the bottom of the
email and got the message "unchanged 1".
So it looked like the key had already been present.  This was
confirmed by a "gpg2 -k <keyid>"  The key appears to be a normal
4096 RSA key with RSA subkeys.
After closing and reopening Thunderbird, the enigmail header was
correctly present and Details/Enigmail security info shows ok but
Details/View Key properties does nothing.
It looks like something with automatic importing of the key didn't
succeed (or was not fast enough).

Searching in Enigmails Key Management fails to show this key.
File > Reload Key Cache (in the key manager)
This doesn't change anything in this case.  That particular key doesn't show in
enigmail's key listing.  Clearly enigmail has access to the key because it show
the enigmail header and shows key id in security info.

I have a screenshot of the alertbox and an enigmail debug log if
those seem useful.
Sure, send them to me.

sent in separate email.


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