On 18/05/15 14:06, Philip Jackson wrote:
> On 18/05/15 08:32, Patrick Brunschwig wrote:
>>> And how could enigmail display an alertbox which contained no
>>>> message ?
>> I think because of this (which is issued at the end of the
>> decrypt/verify command):
>> gpg: Ohhhh jeeee: can't encode a 512 bit MD into a 608 bits frame
> Well thank-you for the efforts, Patrick.
> That particular key is still not visible anywhere within enigmail's key
> management on this machine although clearly enigmail is using it.  I just
> retried opening Thunderbird and reading only this single message and asking
> enigmail to show me the key info.
> The log file shows the 'Ohhhh jeeee' message 3 times but I never had the blank
> alertbox again (only the very first time).
> I'll have to leave this as one of those unsolved mysteries of life.

Just a note to close the loop on this matter.

A couple of days after my last posting, I wanted to look at a key listing so
used "gpg2 -k".  The listing was not complete and ended in the same odd "Ohhhhh
jeeeee..." message.  However I was able to get the full listing using "gpg -k"

So I took this issue up on the gnupg-users list and Werner came up with this -

> gpg tried to verify a key signature and ran into that problem.  Of
> course it should not abort here.  It would be helpful if you can you
> figure out which key causes the problem.  Maybe the key shown last or
> the one which would be shown next.  Running with "--debug 64" might give
> some hints.

I found a key causing this problem.  "gpg2 --delete-keys <keyID>" failed on the
problem key giving the same 'Ohhhh jeeee...' message but gpg did the job.

Once the problem key had been deleted, enigmail then displayed correctly the key
that it previously wouldn't display - either in Key Management or in
'Details/View key properties'.

I don't understand what was the connection between the key I deleted and the one
that enigmail wouldn't display - the one was not used as a signatory on the
other. Nor were they adjacent on the keyring.

Of interest however, is that gpg2 wouldn't delete the problem key.  I had to
fall back on gpg 1.4.xx --, the series that enigmail is going to abandon.


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