Following a smart suggestion I have moved /dev/contribute to /contrib -
there will be plenty more in there in the future and it's not really the
same as developer guides etc. Rather than just a link to phab which it is
at the moment we should put all the "getting started contributing" docs in
the wiki so that phab is _what_ we are working on no longer including _how_.

Additionally I suggest moving from /dev to /develop - less ambiguous :)


On Tue, 10 Oct 2017 at 18:53 Andrew Williams <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am looking at how we should be trying to structure our documentation as
> we update for interfaces and slowly move aside the legacy pages.
> I've made this page to summarise my thinking so far - capturing what we
> should migrate, what we should add and a few items that don't seem to fit
> yet in the new structure. I have linked tickets from the main doc
> improvement task as well to see how much we've got covered.
> Please let me know what you think - I hope this is heading in the right
> direction. Of note is that it splits the dev docs out from the user docs
> which will also make it easier to transition :)
> Cheers,
> Andy
> --
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