Michael wrote:

> > There is no good reason to have three different toolkits in
> > the same project,
> Of course, this is what a lot of other people said about Etk back
> before it got thrown in CVS.  So now you sound hypocritical.

        It does sound a bit hypocritical. I would disagree with both
you and Simon on this.
        I tend to see apis as languages anyway, and consider both etk
and ewl as different C "bindings" to the more abstract concept of gui
widgetry and such stuff.
        There are good aspects to this, just as there are good aspects
to having other programming language bindings to a given C api. There
are bad aspects as well.. some amount of duplicated effort and other
        But if the developers of all these various 'bindings' would
cooperate better, would actually work together to further some shared
common goals, then the benefits eventually outweigh the negatives.
They don't have to love each other, or agree on everything.
        It may that at some point much further down the road these
could be 'supplanted', or they could 'merge', or they might continue,
or maybe something else... who knows.

        Some may prefer ewl, some etk, others something else, and
others may want to write things independent of either one. Having
such choices available seems closer to the claimed 'spirit' of E
than imposing one-true-toolkit or whatnot. From a practical point
of view, etk offers people an easier path from the well known and
widely used gtk toolkit, and that's something that all who feel a
shared grounding in the common E project should see as valuable.

        Let's take the high-road and value and appreciate both these
excellent sub-projects and the work of their talented developers.


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