I am sending this to e-devel as this pertains more to the core people
responsible for the project. Not to mention my interest is in doing EFL
application development. Which given my experiences thus far, I must be
crazy to continue participation. I am here for my own reasons. If not I
would be gone long ago. I have more motivation to go than stay....

A few days back I was kicked from #edevelop by raster for saying
something he did not want to here. Though I was not banned. That was
minor, and only the 2nd time in some 15+ years of IRC I have been
kicked from any IRC channel.

Today after another used fowl language, personally insulted me, they
kicked and banned me. That is flat out unacceptable. Nice community!
Kicked once in 15+ years, and now in less than 2 week in E channels
kicked and banned. Nice way to grow the community... Silencing others...

13:41 <@KainX> ajslye: You don't know what you're talking about, and
this conversation is WAY off-topic.
13:41 < wltjr> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Speech_Movement
13:41 < wltjr> not really free speech movement is very much tied to
foss :)
13:41 <@KainX> wltjr: You too.  That's enough.  Take it to /msg.
13:41 < wltjr> ever hear of BSD? :)
13:42 <@KainX> I used to work for Berkeley, you dumb fuck.  I've worked
with more BSD creators than you've ever even heard of.  So just STFU.
13:43 < wltjr> then you would know the history and predates rms gnu etc
13:43 <@KainX> The next person I hear blaming "anti-fascists" for the
rise of fascism in America is going to have a serious boot up his ass.
13:43 < wltjr> KainX: nice language and attitude, clearly you were
involved in post years given the attitude
13:44 < wltjr> KainX: do you know what fascism is? those claming others
are exhibit more of that behavior, the irony
13:44 < ajslye> wltjr, 3 of the 4 people that were arested taking down
that one statue belonged to the Workers World Party
13:44 -!- wltjr was kicked from #e by KainX [ Out!  Out!  Evil demons
of stupidity!]
--- Log closed Wed Aug 30 13:44:31 2017

First off in IRC or email, anything public if you do not like what
someone is saying. You do not have to listen/read. Furthermore you can
easily set ingore on IRC, or filter out unwanted emails.

To kick and ban someone unilaterally like a dictator because you do not
like what they are saying literally is fascist behavior...

Not to mention after using fowl language and personally insulting
someone. Neither of which I did, and was far worse than anything I was
saying or doing. Really interesting! At this point I will not be
returning to IRC.

Really nice wonderful friendly community. Accepting of all!!!!

I have no tolerance for people claiming talk is off topic. When a
channel will sit idle, dead for long periods of time. For something
like #e, That channel should be very active always like most other
channels are for other desktops etc. It shocks me how little activity
#e has, and the project as a whole. But more I interact I am less
shocked and can see factual reasons why people avoid it.

Every since I first came to the E community. I have seen many things
that justify the community being small. Flat out rude behavior that
will drive people way, etc.

I would have, and likely should have been gone long ago. If I am not
right for the E community, then who is? I am opening bugs, helping
users, doing EFL app development. What more would you want from new
community members? I am not insulting anyone or using fowl language.
At best I may say something others do not want to hear, dislike or is
off topic. So for that its justified I be kicked, banned, insulted, etc?

What I am saying others may not like, but that is no reason or excuse
to kick/ban, etc. That is childish behavior and a power trip. Such
actions only invite revenge. How do you ban someone from IRC? They can
create accounts and join again. Its stupid, same for email etc.

None of that will encourage others to join or do more. If anything will
drive people away and keep thing small. Going back through my logs from
when I first showed. Today was the 2nd time I ever heard from or
interacted with KainX. First time being on 8./1/2017 with my logs going
back to when I first joined in 3/31/17.

I would never say such things to another in public. Much less someone I
had little to no interaction with. Very unprofessional.

William L. Thomson Jr.

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