Full log context:


On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 2:38 PM William L. Thomson Jr. <wlt...@o-sinc.com>

> I am sending this to e-devel as this pertains more to the core people
> responsible for the project. Not to mention my interest is in doing EFL
> application development. Which given my experiences thus far, I must be
> crazy to continue participation. I am here for my own reasons. If not I
> would be gone long ago. I have more motivation to go than stay....
> A few days back I was kicked from #edevelop by raster for saying
> something he did not want to here. Though I was not banned. That was
> minor, and only the 2nd time in some 15+ years of IRC I have been
> kicked from any IRC channel.
> Today after another used fowl language, personally insulted me, they
> kicked and banned me. That is flat out unacceptable. Nice community!
> Kicked once in 15+ years, and now in less than 2 week in E channels
> kicked and banned. Nice way to grow the community... Silencing others...
> 13:41 <@KainX> ajslye: You don't know what you're talking about, and
> this conversation is WAY off-topic.
> 13:41 < wltjr> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Speech_Movement
> 13:41 < wltjr> not really free speech movement is very much tied to
> foss :)
> 13:41 <@KainX> wltjr: You too.  That's enough.  Take it to /msg.
> 13:41 < wltjr> ever hear of BSD? :)
> 13:42 <@KainX> I used to work for Berkeley, you dumb fuck.  I've worked
> with more BSD creators than you've ever even heard of.  So just STFU.
> 13:43 < wltjr> then you would know the history and predates rms gnu etc
> 13:43 <@KainX> The next person I hear blaming "anti-fascists" for the
> rise of fascism in America is going to have a serious boot up his ass.
> 13:43 < wltjr> KainX: nice language and attitude, clearly you were
> involved in post years given the attitude
> 13:44 < wltjr> KainX: do you know what fascism is? those claming others
> are exhibit more of that behavior, the irony
> 13:44 < ajslye> wltjr, 3 of the 4 people that were arested taking down
> that one statue belonged to the Workers World Party
> 13:44 -!- wltjr was kicked from #e by KainX [ Out!  Out!  Evil demons
> of stupidity!]
> --- Log closed Wed Aug 30 13:44:31 2017
> First off in IRC or email, anything public if you do not like what
> someone is saying. You do not have to listen/read. Furthermore you can
> easily set ingore on IRC, or filter out unwanted emails.
> To kick and ban someone unilaterally like a dictator because you do not
> like what they are saying literally is fascist behavior...
> Not to mention after using fowl language and personally insulting
> someone. Neither of which I did, and was far worse than anything I was
> saying or doing. Really interesting! At this point I will not be
> returning to IRC.
> Really nice wonderful friendly community. Accepting of all!!!!
> I have no tolerance for people claiming talk is off topic. When a
> channel will sit idle, dead for long periods of time. For something
> like #e, That channel should be very active always like most other
> channels are for other desktops etc. It shocks me how little activity
> #e has, and the project as a whole. But more I interact I am less
> shocked and can see factual reasons why people avoid it.
> Every since I first came to the E community. I have seen many things
> that justify the community being small. Flat out rude behavior that
> will drive people way, etc.
> I would have, and likely should have been gone long ago. If I am not
> right for the E community, then who is? I am opening bugs, helping
> users, doing EFL app development. What more would you want from new
> community members? I am not insulting anyone or using fowl language.
> At best I may say something others do not want to hear, dislike or is
> off topic. So for that its justified I be kicked, banned, insulted, etc?
> What I am saying others may not like, but that is no reason or excuse
> to kick/ban, etc. That is childish behavior and a power trip. Such
> actions only invite revenge. How do you ban someone from IRC? They can
> create accounts and join again. Its stupid, same for email etc.
> None of that will encourage others to join or do more. If anything will
> drive people away and keep thing small. Going back through my logs from
> when I first showed. Today was the 2nd time I ever heard from or
> interacted with KainX. First time being on 8./1/2017 with my logs going
> back to when I first joined in 3/31/17.
> I would never say such things to another in public. Much less someone I
> had little to no interaction with. Very unprofessional.
> --
> William L. Thomson Jr.
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