Simon Brown wrote:
Question: Do you use a desktop enviroment such as KDE and/or GNOME
with Enlightenment DR16?

I use E with all of GNOME 2.4 The only thing I've changed is to configure Nautilus not to draw the desktop (A hidden gconf key) so that multiple desktops work as I like them to.

The only thing that metacity better is maximising of windows. I have a feeling this can be configured in the Theme as well, but have yet to fathom it.

In my opinion, ideal behaviour is for the maximise button to cause the window to fill the entire screen bar the panel. Not just to expand into the available free space like it does at the moment.

Any help with that greatly appreciated.

I assume that "entire screen bar the panel" should have been "entire screen excluding the panel".

The maximise options are:
- conservative
   Don't cover other windows (not already covered).
- available
   Don't cover 'dont-cover' windows (not already covered).
   Epplets and dock type apps (e.g. gnome-panel) get by default
   the dont-cover attribute.
- absolute (default)
   Span current screen, not crossing xinerama screen boundaries
- xinerama
   Span xinerama screens

The "maximize" function in the gnome tasklist does maximise "available". This can currently not be changed.

Many themes have a maximise button on the window border. Unless overridden by the theme it will use the action class ACTION_MAX typically defined in /usr/share/enlightenment/config/actionclasses.cfg.

The default ACTION_MAX does maximise "conservative". You can change that to "available" to get the behavior you want.

Actually, I like that better too, so I think I'll change the default.


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