I'm not sure how to value dung-beetle droppings Nom - but ... HAR.
Much to agree with in Ornstein's papers - the one referenced at the
end of the latest one is much to my own view.  The problem I have is I
don't believe most people enter into the lists of argument, clinging
instead to a world-view more or less immutable and that most
'argument' is, in any case, a performance aimed at succor to ideology.
'Evidence- based decision-making' has been around a long time, as have
assertions we should get our politicians and others in power to
involve themselves and be capable of it.  I see very little sign of
any of it. Even most scientists are no good at it.  In a western from
years back Dean Martin says 'I never got much by arguing' - he's
feeling his gun.  Most people are so poor in argument they know it's
not much use to them and they won't give up to its arbitration.  So
Ornstein is 90% right, and much as I agree, not much help in shifting
education and politics to somewhere more sensible.  Good to see the
stuff though.

On Jan 15, 7:33 pm, nominal9 <nomin...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> PS... Archytas, et al... have you read the article? Apart from my picayune
> "epistemological" points of disagreement....It is very, very good. I agree
> with it... 90% I'd say......... for whatever my opinion is worth.....HAR.
> On Tuesday, January 15, 2013 2:26:22 PM UTC-5, nominal9 wrote:
> > Mr. Ornstein,
> > I read your abstract and liked it....agreed with it, largely, as to its
> > content.
> > You asked for comments and corrections, so I offer a possible grammatical
> > correction (or maybe I misunderstood the structure of your sentence). On
> > page 8 of your essay you wrote the following:
> > "Since it is only such formulations [that axiomatically define a word
> > (all) in a way that logically conflicts with what can be observed]
> >              might insure the kind of falsification that Karl Popper
> > proposed to be so important in science,  his arguments about falsification
> > are trivial and unhelpful."
> > As you should see (if the writing program represented it properly), I left
> > a gap mid-sentence. This is where there may be a grammatical error. I
> > wonder if a conjunctive pronoun such as "that" or "which" is lacking to
> > make this sentence more clear? I point this out not to be a stickler but as
> > a "proofing" of your essay that is intended for publication.
> > As to your content, again, I agreed "largely" with what your essay says.
> > it was well written and very understandable, as well. I particularly agreed
> > with your summation of the scientific method... the "model / empirical
> > experiment"  approach... I also liked your references to other current
> > "philosophical (?)" approaches to these questions such as the distinction
> > between Post Modernists and Positivists. I would say that you have much
> > less to criticize about the Positivists than you have to criticize about
> > the Post Modernists. As an aside, this would seem to favor more my view
> > than the view of my friend Archytas (HAR)... which, of course tickles me
> > pink... Also, I noted that you referred in your essay to Ockham's Razor....
> > I like Ockham, myself, but much more than for his "razor"... I like Ockham
> > for his  of VOX... separated and composite- composed of Conceptus (Concept)
> > directed at Res(physical thing)... Ockham'c First Intention VOX are very
> > much like the initial observational stage of the "scientific" method"...
> > observing empirical physical things to arrive at a conceptual model ...
> > subsequently verified by further physical experiments  to establish
> > recurring reliability.....Ockham also suggested Second Intention VOX which
> > continue within the thinking mind "abstractly" and formulate all sorts of
> > other "thought-up" relations within and among both the Conceptus side and
> > the Res side of "things"....
> > Anyway, I think that "scientific method" has much in common with and
> > relies a lot on the basic framework supplied by William Of Ockham (and
> > others)...
> > Now, I have one question as to your terminology... would you define your
> > terms "subjective" and "objective" as they are to be understood within your
> > "thinking"? Let me put it this way....It appeared to me that around page
> > five, mostly, you rendered the division (or separation) between: 1) the
> > actual (out-of-mind) physical entity; 2)  the sense experience
> > (inside-mind) mental image and 3) the eventual (inside-mind) explanatory
> > model. Now this "model" as you call it was then communicated as the "theory
> > in progress of ongoing verification" that is communicated to others and
> > understood as shared meaning....you conclude then by getting to the
> > following statement:
> > "The more precise the communication of meaning, the more objective in is
> > usually perceived to be. The more ambiguous (the more interpretation may
> > vary from person to person), the more subjective."
> > Now here's my question.....what do the terms "objective and subjective"
> > that you use here actually refer to?... is the1) the actual (out-of-mind)
> > physical entity  OBJECTIVE? Is the 2)  the sense experience (inside-mind)
> > mental image SUBJECTIVE? And is the 3) the eventual (inside-mind)
> > explanatory model. SUBJECTIVE?... that is what I would propose. And that is
> > not what your sentence quoted above actually says.... I propose that
> > Objective should be defined as the ...1)actual out-of-mind Physical
> > thing... and "differently" that anything which is.... 2) in the mind or 3)a
> > product of the mind's workings..... should be termed subjective.....
> > If you have the time and inclination, Mr. Ornstein.....maybe you can
> > clarify this (or your opinion of this) for me.
> > Essence, Mr Ornstein is another term that you make use of and which is not
> > defined... this gets into the question of universals and is a related to
> > the subjective-objective, empirical-abstractive differences.
> > Let me put it this way.....I have difficulty with the
> > "Idealist-Platonists"... and the Phenomenologists calling some (out
> > -of-mind ) things.... Subjective... when they have independent
> > "physicality"... on the other hand I don't much care for the
> > Materialist-Realists  and the Phenomenologists calling some (in-mind)
> > thought or thought products in particular Objective when thoughts or
> > thought products are  devoid of physicality...
> > My bugaboo.....I suppose.... just doesn't make "sense" to me... as a
> > William of Ockham nominalist....
> > On Thursday, January 10, 2013 1:39:18 PM UTC-5, 
> > lenor...@pipeline.comOrnstein wrote:
> >> *The Skeptical Scientific Mind-Set in the Spectrum of Belief: It’s about
> >> models of ‘reality’ – and the unavoidable incompleteness of evidence, for –
> >> or against – any model or fact.
> >> *
> >> Leonard Ornstein
> >> *Abstract *
> >> This essay examines topics that relate to the origins of beliefs, in
> >> general – and particularly, to ‘belief-in’ the sciences – and how beliefs
> >> impact our ability to cope with real-world problems:
> >>  Introspection about personal experiences of the external world, using
> >> the ‘images’ created by our sense organs (especially our vision) should
> >> convince us that we are usually aware of a great more detail than our
> >> finite vocabularies of words and symbols equip us to manage. So all models
> >> (stories/speculations/hypotheses/theories/laws) that we construct to
> >> communicate meaning about those experiences must be caricatures of a richer
> >> and more complex private set of conscious and unconscious images and
> >> impressions. As a result, at best, we can only  build stripped-down,
> >> verbal/symbolic sketches about the world. These can hardly be expected to
> >> be complete models of absolute and (final?) ‘truth’.
> >>  Communication between individuals and groups likely developed as a
> >> means to, on average, increase the quality of life (the probability of
> >> survival, safety, convenience and comfort) compared to ‘going it alone’.
> >> For each of the communicating partners, the meanings of those
> >>  communications had to be believed to be the ‘same’ to try to maximize the
> >> fulfillment of such intentions. Therefore, the voiced-words/symbols/codes,
> >> and the fundamental rules for their use, needed to be arbitrarily agreed
> >> upon to ‘assure’ identical intended meanings. This is exactly the function
> >> of axiomatic definitions and rules at the roots of model building for
> >> languages, for mathematics and for logic. The qualifications and
> >> limitations that apply to languages, math and logic must be very similar to
> >> those for building models for all systems of belief (ideologies, religions
> >> and science). Deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning are the tools
> >> used to examine the consequences of the axiomatics. How axiomatics and
> >> reason might fail to lead us to ‘truth' and certainty about models
> >> therefore also requires understanding of inherent limitations imposed on
> >> both deductive and inductive reasoning.
> >>  Sciences differ from ideologies, from most mathematics and from
> >> religions. The latter require undiluted, absolute faith/belief in the
> >> ‘truth’ of their axiomatics. However, science accepts (also axiomatically)
> >> that the degree-of-belief/confidence-in its models can never be absolute.
> >> The degree-of-belief is measured by how strongly pertinent, empirical
> >> evidence – developed through repeated observation and ‘testing’, and always
> >> limited by uncertainties of inductive reasoning, confirm the
> >> predictions/projections of the models.
> >> Such degrees-of-belief are analogue (expressed quantitatively, as
> >> ‘different shades of grey’) rather than digital [expressed as black and
> >> white (false or true)]. Scientific models of observable phenomena (objects
> >> and processes), provide simpler and more reliable explanations than those
> >> of non-scientific disciplines and ideologies. Ockham’s Razor – the dictum
> >> to choose the simplest explanation, all other things being equal –
> >> therefore generally recommends placing scientific models ahead of ideologic
> >> models of observable phenomena.
> >> These differences are sources of science’s great potential to
> >> self-correct – and with ever increasing confidence – to incrementally
> >> (though often sporadically) improve quality of life.
> >>    In teaching, and in the general valuation of science, these topics,
> >> and their contributions to improving the quality of life, are increasingly
> >> neglected. They are explored to better clarify how
> >> science fits into the wide spectrum of beliefs – (and perhaps help
> >> reverse this disturbing trend ;-)
> >>http://www.pipeline.com/~lenornst/ScienceInTheSpectrumOfBelief.pdf

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