- I second the E motion. Action is required. I down loaded the free version
and am on the learning curve.

And unrelatedetly, but in the ball park
- I bought 3 Laserjet 4 MV's for $100.  They do post script and HPL. They can
print 11x17!  The ones I bought had ethernet cards in them and one had an
Appletalk card. They go cheap because they are a little big and the engine is
not the standard LJ4 engine. Keep an eye out for them. I sold 1 for $100 and
use one on my lan. I keep the third one as a spare for parts. Oh yeh they are
16 ppm printers! They older you get the bigger you need to print the
drawings. 11x17" makes a difference.

David Masten wrote:

> Thank you, John.
> Not sure what all the discussion is about. CAD is not a magical panacea,
> but it is quite useful, and John has just offered to donate 6 copies.
> HELLO PEOPLE!! Let's stop quibling about implementation details and
> graciously accept the offer, we're rocket scientists, I think we can
> work out the details.
> >From the legal standpoint I think Henry has satisfied the export
> restrictions debate, besides we already publish flight control software
> under the GPL.
> >From a liability point what lawyer is going to sue ERPS or its officers?
> None of the officers is exactly rich, most being unemployed. And despite
> the extraordinary stories about liability suits, most such suits are
> quickly dismissed. I think TurboCAD has a Drawing Template feature for
> automagically including title blocks and such. Put a disclaimer in
> there. Maybe also add a disclaimer to the monthly list reminder.
> For the couple of us that do not have a Windows box, we can probably
> build suitable boxes from the idle cluster machines.
> For sharing files, there are converters available for postscript and
> pdf. There is something to be said for sending links back to a ftp site
> where list readers can get the file format they want.
> But all this is implementation details that can be worked out. Let's get
> some CAD running and some info flowing.
> And again, thanks, John.
> Dave
> President, ERPS
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........ Alex Fraser  N3DER .........
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