Franklin Hays wrote:

> trying to secure a slackware 7.1/2.2.16 box that needs to act as an
> x-server.  anyone know what ports need to be open to allow
> this?  currently opened 5000-6000, 496XX (from netstat) and 177 but still
> blocking the server somehow (shows up on other machines when firewall is
> down and not when it is up). we don't want to push x through ssh since the
> romote clients are windows running Xwin32 on machines required to run ONLY
> windows (thus no small linux partition).

Sorry for the late reply.  This was a day from Hell at work, and I
just got home.

First, keep in mind that the X convention of who's the client and
who's the server is backwards from what most people expect.  The X
server is the box that displays the pretty pictures, and the client is
the box where the program runs.  In your case, the Windows boxes are
the X servers, and the Linux box is the client.

If your X display name is hostname:0, then the client (Linux) is
making a TCP connection from an arbitrary port to port 6000 on the
server (Windows).  If your X display name is hostname:1 (not likely
under Xwin32), then it uses port 6001.  So set up the firewall to
allow TCP to port 6000 on the Windows side from any port on the Linux

I have to plead ignorance about port 177.  /etc/services says it's
xdmcp, the "xdm control protocol".  You probably aren't running xdm on
the Windows boxes, are you?  I don't know why xdm needs a separate
port, anyway.  Maybe something to do with X terminals.

I'll echo what Seth said about running X over ssh.

Hope this helps...


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