On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Franklin Hays wrote:

> > It sounds like Franklin has a different problem than what VNC solves.
> > He wants to run a program on Linux that will display its results on a
> > DOSbox (I think).  VNC will put a whole X desktop on his DOSbox, which
> > is different.

There are VNC variations that will runs just an app, I believe.

> this is correct, I want to run a program on the slackware box via user
> manipulation/input on the windows side with the output/program
> displayed on the window* box.

VNC will do this just fine.  It's perfect for that, and can run dozens of
instances or more without any problem.  Running X-win32 is expensive
(licenses) versus the free cost of VNC.

>  due to contractual obligations I
> am not allowed to install anything outside of windows on the windows side.  

VNC will run via java in a browser, so you can install ZERO software, use
IE5 and you are all set.  Put a link on the desktop, and bingo, all done.
Since there is nothing to install, there is nothing to
break.  Installation time is zero then.

> I was able to get it setup today after playing with the port settings on
> the firewall, though it was noticeably slow.  May still try to thread it
> through SSH which should speed things up a little (from what I have
> read). 

with compression, MAYBE.... maybe not.  VNC can also do compression, with
or without SSH.

> Imagine to do this I need to configure SSH to allow X-forwarding
> then swap authorized_keys between the clients? 


Do check out VNC, also... you might find it faster, might not.  X vs VNC
is a tough call, and really depends on a lot of factors, including exactly
what and how it runs.


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