On Thu, 19 Dec 2002, Joseph Carter wrote:

> I'm planning to gather people to go see The Two Towers (second Lord of
> the Rings movie for those who are still living in the dark ages..)  I
> was planning to go after Christmas to go when the rush would not be so
> bad, and try to see if I could bring a couple of geeks with me. I have
> already gone once myself, but still.. So, any ideas as to when exactly
> should we do this?  ;)
        I think I'll procrastinate for a few more years, and watch the
whole thing someday in sequence Lord of the Rings, break for lunch, Two
Towers, break for dinner, Return of the King, bed. More likely, sanity
will kick in and I'll split it over two days. 

        Perhaps by then the Intellectual Property cartels will have coped
well enough with the various boycotts.

        For me, it's like re-reading Tolkein, best done more or less all
at once.

Ed Craig                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Taxi (I need an income)                 GNU/Linux (I can afford a Free OS)
Think this through with me, let me know your mind...    Hunter/Garcia

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