A-ha!  I had not seen them 'in the flesh' as it were, before.  So, what's the 
difference between using them and a serrated washer, then?  I appreciate the 
two halves have to move apart to twist relative to each other - and therefore 
make the bolt stretch etc - but what's to stop the serrations just cutting off 
some of the bolt head or whatever and, in effect, by-passing the Nord-Locks?  
If you could get Nord-Lock-like castellated cell interconnects and matching 
bolt head bottoms then I could see you would definitely be on to a winner but 
as it stands I still don't see what you are gaining by using a Nord-Lock washer.


On 9 Jan 2014, at 17:06, Evan Tuer wrote:

> They are serrated on the outer faces of the pair Martin, so grip the bolt
> head and whatever you're bolting too very effectively.  When you try to
> undo a bolt like this, the cam action of the inner faces forces them apart,
> making them grip even tighter.
> Nord-Locks are great, but overkill for battery terminals I would have
> thought.
> IMO the concern for our application is relative movement between cells
> causing the rigid straps to "turn" fractionally, with a low frequency.
> With a plain washer alone, I could imagine that eventually slackening off
> the bolt.  Maybe the spring washer is doing something useful, as it will
> have a sort of ratchet action, preferring to tighten the bolt rather than
> loosen it.
> On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 4:49 PM, Martin WINLOW <m...@winlow.co.uk> wrote:
>> I have a concern over Nord-Lock (NL) washers.  It is simply that there is
>> - as I understand it - a plain metal to metal interface between the top of
>> the NL washer and the underside of the bolt head.  Then there is another
>> plain interface between the bottom of the NL washer and the article that
>> the bolt is securing.  Whilst I can see that there is an interesting and no
>> doubt effective mechanism to resist movement between the 2 halves of the NL
>> washer, what is stopping the bolt head moving relative to the top half of
>> the NL washer or the bottom half of the NL washer relative to the 'secured
>> article'?
>> They just seem to be moving the slipping point, or rather they are not
>> because these two regions is where slipping would occur with just a
>> standard washer in there instead of a NL one.  So I'm not convinced.  MW
>> On 8 Jan 2014, at 04:24, David Nelson wrote:
>>> How was the Nord lock video rigged? Have you used nord-lock washers?
>>> "The vibration that a dozer undergoes traversing rock, day in and night
>>> out, is incredible."
>>> There is no doubt about that. However, the tension in the bolts in one is
>>> also significantly higher than what an M8 bolt is under when in an
>> aluminum
>>> post. Scale does affect how things behave.
>>> What is your experience with prismatic batteries like the TS or CALB
>> cells
>>> that many of us are using? Is your pack put together with no terminal
>> prep
>>> and no washers? What is your climate like?
>>> On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 6:55 PM, Michael Ross <michael.e.r...@gmail.com
>>> wrote:
>>>> I guess I am old school.  I did mechanical design at Caterpillar for 4
>>>> years and have a copy of their tome on bolted joint design.  I have seen
>>>> their labs and proving grounds.  They build front shovels that weigh 1.5
>>>> MILLION lbs, seriously.  The down time on these things is incredible and
>>>> they spare nothing to be convinced of the components and procedures they
>>>> use.  The vibration that a dozer undergoes traversing rock, day in and
>>>> night out, is incredible.
>>>> I think Nordlock is snake oil in comparison.  But that is me. YMMV, but
>> I
>>>> bet less.
>>>> On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 8:21 PM, David Nelson <gizm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 3:55 PM, Michael Ross <michael.e.r...@gmail.com
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Jukka,
>>>>>> Is that "tight enough" ± a smidge?  I am going with the torque wrench.
>>>>>> I watched a class once where people tried to control applied torque by
>>>>> feel
>>>>>> with the max hold set, but hidden, then check the max after to see how
>>>>> well
>>>>>> that worked.  It was just terrible.  A person might get it right once,
>>>>> but
>>>>>> they were unable to do very well repeatedly.
>>>>>> Then a set of seemingly identical joints were torqued, and the
>>>>> un-torquing
>>>>>> checked.  Again, no correlation to the applied torque.
>>>>> I'm wondering if they did a controlled test to see how well a "machine"
>>>>> did.
>>>>>> My contention is this loosening is not because the joints are prone to
>>>>>> loosening, but that they were not torqued correctly to begin with, and
>>>>>> maybe sometimes not enough.  If you torque them right, they won't
>>>> loosen
>>>>> -
>>>>>> ever.
>>>>>> Mike
>>>>> I'm not quite buying your last line there. With no movement then yes
>>>>> but with vibrations in all directions, no. I've seen this test in
>>>>> other videos but couldn't find them but here is one to show what
>>>>> happens with a bolt/nut and a vibrating machine with strain gauge:
>>>>> http://www.nord-lock.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/nl_us.wmv
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