On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 7:37 PM, Michael Ross <michael.e.r...@gmail.com>wrote:

The video made me even more wary, because they purposely left that joint
> they vibrated loose, to exaggerate the effect.
If you look at the graphs, they all started off at the about same bolt
tension, so it is a fair test.

> The business comparing the angles of the Nordlock and the threads eluded
> me.  And watching the ramps ride up and pop down was troubling.  All those
> serrations top and bottom.  Why do I like that?
> This all seems so unnecessary.  I really don't get it.
It's pretty simple: turn a bolt anti-clockwise and it loosens off,
according to the pitch of the thread.  The ramp on the Nord-Lock cam is
steeper than the thread pitch, so it acts to increase the bolt tension and
thus the thread friction as soon as it tries to move.

I've used them, they're very effective in situations where you don't want
to use Loctite.  If you don't believe it, try it yourself!  I see no need
to use them for batteries though, or for anything else on an ordinary car.
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