I have a concern over Nord-Lock (NL) washers.  It is simply that there is - as 
I understand it - a plain metal to metal interface between the top of the NL 
washer and the underside of the bolt head.  Then there is another plain 
interface between the bottom of the NL washer and the article that the bolt is 
securing.  Whilst I can see that there is an interesting and no doubt effective 
mechanism to resist movement between the 2 halves of the NL washer, what is 
stopping the bolt head moving relative to the top half of the NL washer or the 
bottom half of the NL washer relative to the 'secured article'?

They just seem to be moving the slipping point, or rather they are not because 
these two regions is where slipping would occur with just a standard washer in 
there instead of a NL one.  So I'm not convinced.  MW

On 8 Jan 2014, at 04:24, David Nelson wrote:

> How was the Nord lock video rigged? Have you used nord-lock washers?
> "The vibration that a dozer undergoes traversing rock, day in and night
> out, is incredible."
> There is no doubt about that. However, the tension in the bolts in one is
> also significantly higher than what an M8 bolt is under when in an aluminum
> post. Scale does affect how things behave.
> What is your experience with prismatic batteries like the TS or CALB cells
> that many of us are using? Is your pack put together with no terminal prep
> and no washers? What is your climate like?
> On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 6:55 PM, Michael Ross <michael.e.r...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> I guess I am old school.  I did mechanical design at Caterpillar for 4
>> years and have a copy of their tome on bolted joint design.  I have seen
>> their labs and proving grounds.  They build front shovels that weigh 1.5
>> MILLION lbs, seriously.  The down time on these things is incredible and
>> they spare nothing to be convinced of the components and procedures they
>> use.  The vibration that a dozer undergoes traversing rock, day in and
>> night out, is incredible.
>> I think Nordlock is snake oil in comparison.  But that is me. YMMV, but I
>> bet less.
>> On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 8:21 PM, David Nelson <gizm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 3:55 PM, Michael Ross <michael.e.r...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Jukka,
>>>> Is that "tight enough" ± a smidge?  I am going with the torque wrench.
>>>> I watched a class once where people tried to control applied torque by
>>> feel
>>>> with the max hold set, but hidden, then check the max after to see how
>>> well
>>>> that worked.  It was just terrible.  A person might get it right once,
>>> but
>>>> they were unable to do very well repeatedly.
>>>> Then a set of seemingly identical joints were torqued, and the
>>> un-torquing
>>>> checked.  Again, no correlation to the applied torque.
>>> I'm wondering if they did a controlled test to see how well a "machine"
>>> did.
>>>> My contention is this loosening is not because the joints are prone to
>>>> loosening, but that they were not torqued correctly to begin with, and
>>>> maybe sometimes not enough.  If you torque them right, they won't
>> loosen
>>> -
>>>> ever.
>>>> Mike
>>> I'm not quite buying your last line there. With no movement then yes
>>> but with vibrations in all directions, no. I've seen this test in
>>> other videos but couldn't find them but here is one to show what
>>> happens with a bolt/nut and a vibrating machine with strain gauge:
>>> http://www.nord-lock.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/nl_us.wmv
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