Lawrence Harris wrote:

> Keep in mind that if you have just gone up a long hill the motor and
> commutator will be hot and over-speeding it on the downhill run may still
> damage it even though the current is now low (or zero).  I think it's
> probably best to keep the RPM in the safe range under the worst conditions
> rather than risk the expense of a damaged motor.

Dennis Miles wrote:

> > David, and others, the most fragile part, of a series DC motor, is the
> > commutator.
And, bear in mind that the original poster is considering the AC-51 motor, 
which is AC, not brushed DC, and so has no commutator to worry about.

If I were the OP, I'd still want HPEVS to provide some max safe RPM value, not 
just a verbal statement that the 8000RPM limit is a controller limitation and 
not a limitation of the motor.


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