Lee, I must be too young to have seen those, or else I did not have one
fail because they were stronger. The other question is how does it damage
the AC motor to over speed and why does a speed limiter in the
controller/inverter cause damage as was indicated in the discussion? The AC
motor doesn't have a commutator, or windings on the rotor so what is the
harm in driving the motor to more than 8,000 rpm? All I can conceive are
bearing stresses.

Dennis Lee Miles

(*evprofes...@evprofessor.com <evprofes...@evprofessor.com>)*

* Founder:    **EV Tech. Institute Inc.*

*Phone #* *(863) 944-9913 (12 noon to 12 midnight Eastern US Time)*

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intelligent enough,  **to know, that there is plenty left to learn!*

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On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 7:43 PM, Lee Hart via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> Dennis Miles via EV wrote:
>> David, and others, the most fragile part, of a series DC motor, is the
>> commutator. And that is, because the copper segments are glued to an
>> insulating core. When the current is flowing, the segments heat up and
>> soften the glue, then they are subjecting to "lifting," away from that
>> insulating core, and causing problems with the brushes, resulting a need
>> for an extensive repair. But, with no (or very low) current, the glue
>> maintains its strength, and the motor can be spun to a higher RPM, without
>> damage.
> Relatively new DC motors are built with commutator bars that are glued in
> place. Older and heavy-duty motors instead have "steel" commutators that
> don't depend on glue to to hold the bars. Instead, there are steel rings at
> each end hold in the bars. They use mica or other materials to insulate the
> bars. This type of commutator is much stronger, and better able to
> withstand high temperatures and high RPMs.
> Here's one image I could quickly find:
> http://www.iccinternational.com/resource/vring.html
> --
> We cannot waste time. We can only waste ourselves.
>         -- George Matthew Adams
> --
> Lee Hart's EV projects are at http://www.sunrise-ev.com/LeesEVs.htm
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