> Marcus Reddish via EV wrote:
> >> Are these the old white Thunder sky cells that failed? Seem to remember a
> >> picture of them leaking. Is it possible folks charged those early cells
> >> like they were lead and caused (or contributed to) the failures? I have
> >> not heard of any bad "batch" since the white cells, which was ages ago.

abut 10 years back we sold some White high power that looks like TS
which seemed low quality but where abused by 2 of the 3 customers
getting them  The company did warranty them replacing about 1/4 by the
time the warranty ran out .  The larger the packs and the less amps
used ( lower c pull) the better they did.

> Willie2 via EV wrote:
> > The situation Lee describes dates to 2000-2003? Something like that. I
> > know nothing of the situation but I believe they were LCP cells.
> > Starting about 2005, LFPs were the preferred cells for conversions. I
> > know of no quality or delivery problems with ThunderSky LFPs.

Willie has taken the good care of his pack .   The best normal real
world testing I've seen.

Lee wrote

> I'm forever hopeful that the manufacturers will "get their act together"
> and start delivering an honest quality product, and stand behind them
> with a warranty. But so far, if I'd spent good money for a full pack of
> any of these batteries (except A123), I would have been screwed.

I'm finding that as a given not all cells will live out there expected
life . Even Willie has had
 a number of cells go bad (less than 10 ) , He bought extra's so we
have been replacing them with the same batch over the last 9 years (
Has it really been that long?.)

> At the moment, I'm considering getting some Nissan Leaf cells to test.
> I'm guessing that Nissan is likely to have made a *significant* effort
> to get a good, quality product. I just have to make sure I'm not getting
> Nissan's QC rejects!

Didn't know you where testing so many cells , I just put 66 60 ah GBS
's in a BMW they seem to be doing good. time will tell, they are
dishing out 5 c without the cell voltage dropping below 3v .

> >recent
> >ones were GBS 100ah LiFe cells, tested just last year. The only
> >exception has been A123 3.2v 2.5ah LiFe cylindrical cells; they were
> >consistently good.

> From: EVDL Administrator
> > I've continued to borrow, barter, and buy various lithiums for testing.
> > Prismatics and cylindrical, LiCo, LiMn, LiFe etc. They haveon
> > *consistently* failed to meet specs.
> http://www.motherjones.com/environment/2008/05/charge-keep
Love to see a picture of lee's set up .

I've been lucky enough to get to drive William's Hyandia car from time
to time .we recently did a capacity test while I was there working on
his golf carts  and  was able to pull out 220 amp hours without the
BMS  alarming , then left the key on for several days, which then
pulled the full rated 260ah out over the next few days .  There were
a few cells  who's voltage had fallen down between 2.65 and 3 volts
that said most where over 3 volts . Willie's strategy of having a
large pack , about 40 kilowatt hours I believe has helped give him
years of service .  He has over 44,000 miles on the cars 48 cells.
he also does a slow charge most of the time  and equalizers with a 1
amp charger letting the mini BMS system bring all up to 3.6v.  He may
have about 400 cycles on them .

Steve Clunn
Merging the best of the past with
the best of the future.
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