
Check out these Colorado companies:

Evolve can provide the parts and Boulder Hybrids can assembly the battery pack 
with BMS even though its not listed as a standard service. 



On Sep 22, 2014, at 10:33 AM, Matthew Parkhouse via EV <> 

> I remember the Thundersky problem......
> This is exactly why I am asking the EVDlist for "real life" experiences 
> bringing a small order (48 volt and 120 battery pack that came from China).  
> Sounds a bit scarey, has this happened to any of us?  
> Two outfits have said they will ship to my favourite port.  What happens 
> then? I assume I then hire an agent of some sort to do the paper work and 
> either hand over the batteries or help organise trucking to the center of the 
> US (Colorado).  Just in case, are there any folks on this List in the 
> business who could put together the 48 volt pack and the 120 volt pack to my 
> specs (dimensions), with whatever BMS is needed?  I would prefer to keep this 
> "in country" than involving the whole world!
> Many thanks
> Matthew Parkhouse, RN
> hobomatt@ 
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