It is no problem,
as long as the curbside charger is near your home (and available).
Most Americans don't park in their garages either - when I look around
in the area, a great number of garages are either converted to living
space (legally or not) or simply stacked floor to bottom with junk eh,
ahem, I mean with important belongings that can't be just tossed out.
(but also have no place inside the home, so they live in the garage)
Whenever the city tries to get people to use their garages and driveways
to park, instead of the public street (for example when a redesign of
the road is needed) then there is a lot of pushback from people who
cannot possibly be required to park their private property on their own
property and who demand that they need public transportation
infrastructure constructed in such a way that they can store their
belongings on it. Hmm, what is wrong with that picture. But anyway -
most EV drivers in USA have a charger installed in the garage or next to
the driveway, so curbside charging is not much needed (yet). When more
vehicles are exchanged for EVs, the need will rise because then the
people who live in apartment buildings and other multi-tenant
structures, as well as those living where no or not enough 
on-site parking is available, will need curbside EVSE.
There are few EVSE that I know of that are constructed curb-side.
One notable example is in Palo Alto. I believe that Otmar used to have a
curbside charging station - not sure if that one was legal, but
definitely Sven Thesen from has a legal curbside
EVSE installed.

Short answer - as long as you can charge overnight and close to your
home, there should be little difference whether the EVSE is on your
property or on the public street, as long as it is available (ie there
are enough spots).
That is one of the reasons that the share-vehicle system in Paris is so
popular: people do not care much that there are thousands of EV waiting
on every city block that they can rent by the half hour, but they are
very happy with being able to reserve a car *and* a parking space from
their smartphone, because there are more than double the parking spaces
than vehicles (each space having a charging station that can also be
used by privately owned EVs!)

Cor van de Water
Chief Scientist
Proxim Wireless Corporation
Email: Private:
Skype: cor_van_de_water Tel: +1 408 383 7626

-----Original Message-----
From: EV [] On Behalf Of EVDL
Administrator via EV
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 9:22 PM
To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List
Subject: Re: [EVDL] EVLN: Hand-wringing EV angst is not a real problem

On 19 Nov 2014 at 13:08, Cor van de Water via EV wrote:

> probably eventually, a lot of curbside charging for
> those who can't park on premises for whatever reason.

The US tends to be more focused on suburbia, so we often forget about
Europeans who live in city houses and apartments and park their cars on
public streets.  They have no garages or even dedicated private parking 
spaces, so they have no places to fit privately owned chargers.  

This is also true in some US cities, but I think fewer than in Europe.

Having no way to charge at home means you have to use paid charging 
stations. It's just like fueling an ICEV, but it takes longer and you
to do it more often.  This HAS to be a drag on EV adoption, no?

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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