> On Feb 12, 2017, at 1:19 PM, Willie via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:
>> On 02/12/2017 12:11 PM, John Lussmyer via EV wrote:
>> On Sun Feb 12 08:34:05 PST 2017 ev@lists.evdl.org said:
>>> Doing the math with the typical 250 Whrs per mile of a Prius, then at 60
>>> MPh, that 250Whrs per minute or 15kWh over an hour so you need a 15 kW
>>> generator just to cruise on level ground pusing a Prius.  For pushing a
>>> heavier car  full of Lead-acids, not nearly as efficient as a Prius You
>>> might need 25 to 30 kW.
> I don't imagine that it is necessary for a generator to output cruising 
> power, though that would be a positive.  One could start the generator before 
> the battery was depleted and run on both battery and generator power.  Also, 
> one could take a break while waiting for the generator to charge the battery.
If you are going to sit and wait while the generator charges the batteries, it 
is probably easier and cheaper to design a fast charge port.  John is only 
talking about trips that are 150% of range, so this solution should be fine. It 
is also more consistent with the theme of the EV truck.

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