Hi Bruno,

Long time lurker here, very intrigued by all the discussions here when
I have time for them!

Earlier in response to Colin Hales you wrote: "Actually, comp prevents
"artificial intelligence".

Can you elaborate on this?  If we assume comp (I say yes to the
doctor) then I can be simulated... doesn't that imply the possibility
of an artificial intelligence?

Thanks, Terren

On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 4:53 PM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
> Hi Colin,
> On 07 Jun 2011, at 09:42, Colin Hales wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Hales, C. G. 'On the Status of Computationalism as a Law of Nature',
>> International Journal of Machine Consciousness vol. 3, no. 1, 2011. 1-35.
>> http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S1793843011000613
>> The paper has finally been published. Phew what an epic!
> Congratulation Colin.
> Like others,  I don't succeed in getting it, neither at home nor at the
> university.
> From the abstract I am afraid you might not have taken into account our
> (many) conversations. Most of what you say about the impossibility of
> building an artificial scientist is provably correct in the (weak) comp
> theory.  It is unfortunate that you derive this from comp+materialism, which
> is inconsistent. Actually, comp prevents "artificial intelligence". This
> does not prevent the existence, and even the apparition, of intelligent
> machines. But this might happen *despite* humans, instead of 'thanks to the
> humans'. This is related with the fact that we cannot know which machine we
> are ourselves. Yet, we can make copy at some level (in which case we don't
> know what we are really creating or recreating, and then, also, descendent
> of bugs in regular programs can evolve. Or we can get them serendipitously.
>  It is also relate to the fact that we don't *want* intelligent machine,
> which is really a computer who will choose its user, if ... he want one. We
> prefer them to be slaves. It will take time before we recognize them
> (apparently).
> Of course the 'naturalist comp' theory is inconsistent. Not sure you take
> that into account too.
> Artificial intelligence will always be more mike fishing or exploring
> spaces, and we might *discover* strange creatures. Arithmetical truth is a
> universal zoo. Well, no, it is really a jungle. We don't know what is in
> there. We can only scratch a tiny bit of it.
> Now, let us distinguish two things, which are very different:
> 1) intelligence-consciousness-free-will-emotion
> and
> 2) cleverness-competence-ingenuity-gifted-learning-ability
> "1)" is necessary for the developpment of "2)", but "2)" has a negative
> feedback on "1)".
> I have already given on this list what I call the smallest theory of
> intelligence.
> By definition a machine is intelligent if it is not stupid. And a machine
> can be stupid for two reason:
> she believes that she is intelligent, or
> she believes that she is stupid.
> Of course, this is arithmetized immediately in a weakening of G, the theory
> C having as axioms the modal normal axioms and rules + Dp -> ~BDp. So Dt
> (arithmetical consistency) can play the role of intelligence, and Bf
> (inconsistance) plays the role of stupidity. G* and G proves BDt -> Bf and
> G* proves BBf -> Bf (but not G!).
> This illustrates that "1)" above might come from Löbianity, and "2)" above
> (the scientist) is governed by theoretical artificial intelligence (Case and
> Smith, Oherson, Stob, Weinstein). Here the results are not just
> NON-constructive, but are *necessarily* so. Cleverness is just something
> that we cannot program. But we can prove, non constructively, the existence
> of powerful learning machine. We just cannot recognize them, or build them.
> It is like with the algorithmically random strings, we cannot generate them
> by a short algorithm, but we can generate all of them by a very short
> algorithm.
> So, concerning intelligence/consciousness (as opposed to cleverness), I
> think we have passed the "singularity". Nothing is more
> intelligent/conscious than a virgin universal machine. By programming it, we
> can only make his "soul" fell, and, in the worst case, we might get
> something as stupid as human, capable of feeling itself superior, for
> example.
> Bruno
> http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/~marchal/
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