John M, that was a pretty excellent performance, you should write more
on here.

On Jun 15, 12:54 pm, John Mikes <> wrote:
> Dear Brent,
> let me cut in with your last par:
> *"...There is a tendency to talk about "human-equivalent intelligence" or
> "human level intelligence" as an ultimate goal.  Human intelligence evolved
> to enhance certain functions: cooperation, seduction, bargaining,
> deduction,...  There's no reason to suppose it is the epitome of
> intelligence. Intelligence may take many forms, some of which we would have
> difficulty realizing or crediting.   Like a universal machine that is not
> programmed, which by one measure is maximally intelligent but also maximally
> incompetent.  Even in humans intelligence is far from one-dimensional.  A
> small child is extremely intelligent as measured by the ability to learn,
> but not very smart as measured by knowledge.
> **Brent"*
> *
> *
> and say: thank you. In my vocabulary (agnostic) we cannot simulate "human"
> (not limited to our present 'knowledge'), nor do (I?) have an acceptable
> definition for intelligence (not restricted of course to the methodology of
> the US IQ tests). "Inter-lego" means IMO to read  between lines - a mentally
> active attitude. Mentally means more than we could identify 3000 years ago,
>  but still on the move for more to be learned today. We are still YOUR
> "small child". I look for 'intelligence' in more than human traits, but
> accept your distinction of "human-equivalent" (especially the "human
> level"). To be smart is useful, but IMO not a sole requirement of
> intelligence.
>  IMO the universal machine (I wish I knew more about it...) is "not
> programmed" within our human technological thinking, - maybe it is way
> 'above' it - and "incompetent" only in our human distinction. I have a hard
> time to follow your "one-dimensional " view of intelligence.
> It may reach into the 'nonlinear' as well, without us being aware of it.
> Thanks to Bruno for the hint to my old (15-20y ago) friendly contact Ben
> Goertzel whom I try to ask about his recent positions. He had 'fertilizing'
> ideas. To (Bruno's) other par:
> do you have a 'measurable' definition for "conscious" - to speak about
> (virgin = not programmed)  yet 'maximally conscious' universal machine(s)? -
>  WITH included some
> 'Self-Consciousness'?
> (In my recent (ongoing) speculations I erred into the 'world's' "Unlimited
> Complexity", - as said: 'out there',  of which we derived only a so far
> acquired portion FOR our world(view?)  (including the conventional sciences)
> as* perceived reality* or say a better name - with "imagining" a*
> perfectsymmetry
> * (more than existing in our present knowledge) of hard-to-identify
> (hard-to-distinguish) 'aspects' in exchanging relations rather than
> identifiable topics relating to our (worldly) topics, we can use. This would
> serve a higher level of agnosticism. Our 'models' we think *within* (R.
> Rosen) are formed by our capability to position the received (perceived?)
> phenomenal information adjusted into our 'mental'(?) personalized, unique
> worldview upon Colin Hale's earlier   'mini-solipsism').
> n such lines the universal machine etc. are 'human inventions' to facilitate
> some (our?) understanding of the 'world' still  beyond our knowledge base.
> And - sorry! - so are 'numbers' as well. We cannot overstep our human logic
> - at least not in fundamental  questions.
> Best regards
> John M
> On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 12:47 PM, meekerdb <> wrote:
> > On 6/15/2011 6:56 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> >> Doesn't this objection only apply to attempts to construct an AI with
> >>> human-equivalent intelligence?  As a counter example I'm thinking here
> >>> of Ben Goertzel's OpenCog, an attempt at artificial general
> >>> intelligence (AGI), whose design is informed by a theory of
> >>> intelligence that does not attempt to mirror or model human
> >>> intelligence. In light of the "Benacerraf principle", isn't it
> >>> possible in principle to provably construct AIs so long as we're not
> >>> trying to emulate or model human intelligence?
> >> I think that comp might imply that simple virgin (non programmed)
> >> universal (and immaterial) machine are already conscious. Perhaps even
> >> maximally conscious. Then adding induction gives them Löbianity, and this
> >> makes them self-conscious (which might already be a delusion of some sort).
> >> Unfortunately the hard task is to interface such (self)-consciousness with
> >> our probable realities (computational histories). This is what we can 
> >> hardly
> >> be sure about.
> >> I still don't know if the brain is just a filter of consciousness, in
> >> which case losing neurons might enhance consciousness (and some data in
> >> neurophysiology might confirm this). I think Goertzel is more creating a
> >> competent machine than an intelligent one, from what I have read about it. 
> >> I
> >> oppose intelligence/consciousness and competence/ingenuity. The first is
> >> needed to develop the later, but the later has a negative feedback on the
> >> first.
> >> Bruno
> > There is a tendency to talk about "human-equivalent intelligence" or "human
> > level intelligence" as an ultimate goal.  Human intelligence evolved to
> > enhance certain functions: cooperation, seduction, bargaining, deduction,...
> >  There's no reason to suppose it is the epitome of intelligence.
> > Intelligence may take many forms, some of which we would have difficulty
> > realizing or crediting.   Like a universal machine that is not programmed,
> > which by one measure is maximally intelligent but also maximally
> > incompetent.  Even in humans intelligence is far from one-dimensional.  A
> > small child is extremely intelligent as measured by the ability to learn,
> > but not very smart as measured by knowledge.
> > Brent
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