I am not against you, or your opinion in general, but PLEASE: forget about
those probability figures. That 1:25million or so chance can be
realized right here and right now - as the next case and believe me: if
that negligible of all odds happens to you, you will find it MORE than

On Sun, Sep 9, 2012 at 10:30 AM, Craig Weinberg <>wrote:

> On Sunday, September 9, 2012 7:25:57 AM UTC-4, rclough wrote:
>>  Hi Craig Weinberg
>> I really don't know much about the John Birch Society,
> "The John Birch Society has its roots in the 1950s when* it opposed the
> U.S.’s affirming the human rights principles of the United Nations*. It
> was used as a grassroots corollary to McCarthyism, insisting that imagined
> Communists were standing behind every light pole, ready to end the world as
> we know it. It still sees itself as fighting Communism, as well as the New
> World Order (whatever that is!), big government, the Civil Rights Movement,
> feminism, wealth redistribution and more. You are not likely to hear the
> John Birch Society using epithets or spewing base language; its values are
> more carefully hidden behind flag-waving and obscure and irrelevant legal
> principles. Its words are cloaked in concern for the "direction of the
> nation."
> John Birchers *opposed the **1964 Civil Rights 
> Act*,<>saying it violates 
> the Tenth
> Amendment<>to
>  the United States Constitution and overstepped the rights of individual
> states to enact laws regarding civil 
> rights.<>On its website, the John 
> Birch Society complains
> that<>"President
>  Obama - the man who got fawning media treatment for no reason,
> was elected with a thin resume and exalted without even being a king - has
> now been given the Noble Peace Prize." The John Birch Society also opposes
> health care reform, gun control, public schools and a host of other
> progressive causes.
> The Right-wing "watch" group, Public Research 
> Associates,<>notes: "(T)he Birch 
> society
> *pioneered the encoding of implicit cultural forms of ethnocentric White
> racism and Christian nationalist antisemitism* rather than relying on the
> White supremacist biological determinism and open loathing of Jews that had
> typified the old right prior to WWII. Throughout its existence, however,
> the Society has promoted open homophobia and sexism."
> Because it is more "libertarian" than openly racist, anti-Semitic and
> sexist, the John Birch Society is often not characterized as a hate group
> like the Ku Klux Klan <>or 
> the Federation
> for American Immigration Reform 
> (FAIR),<>at 
> least as defined by the Southern
> Poverty Law Center. <> One way
> the John Birch Society escapes that designation is because it receives
> support <> from prominent politicians
> and elected officials. Birchers work hard to mask the anti-human rights
> beliefs that underlie their opinions." (from
>   but googling it up, find that it was once falsely accused of being
>> racist,
>> no doubt due to over-zealous liberal hatred of conservatism.
>> The KKK was very racist. As far as I know it's mostly dead. Good.
> Huh? Hate groups are huge. The KKK is pretty small (about 100 chapters and
> 5000 members from the estimate I just saw), but there are many more Aryan
> groups, growing fast. As has been pointed out - not all conservatives are
> racists, but clearly the overwhelming majority (perhaps all?) racists are
> conservative. There are no liberals in any hate groups.
>> A greater sin, IMHO is political correctness, supported by Al-qaeda,
>> which is sending America down the toilet. If you don't see that,
>> no amount of explaining on my part will enlighten you.
> Political correctness certainly can be irritating, but it is also
> important to protect groups who are vulnerable from threats that escalate
> violence. Anti-American/Anti-Western terrorism around the world is
> certainly a threat, but not really a significant one for American citizens.
> Certainly nothing on the order of the response, which has amounted to open
> surveillance and unrestrained powers of control over the population. There
> is a far, far greater chance of being struck by lightning than being
> affected by terrorism:
> "A companion 
> piece<>in
>  the
> *Wall Street Journal* lays out the statistics. Since 2000, the odds of
> you dying as a result of a terrorist act aboard a commercial American
> airliner is 1 in 25 million. The odds of getting struck by lightning: 1 in
> 500,000."
> Political correctness has not frozen wages for 35 years. Political
> correctness has not outsourced millions of jobs. Political correctness
> doesn't evade paying taxes in offshore accounts and lobbying for tax cuts
> for the rich. It didn't deregulate the banking industry and make billions
> of dollars disappear into a few people's pockets. These are the things that
> threaten America. Political correctness? What? Rush Limbaugh is being
> hampered in his free expression by liberals? The threat has always been
> fascism - from the left or the right. Hate, not politeness. Brutality not
> sensitivity.
> As you say though, if you don't see that already, I can't make you see it.
> Craig
>> Roger Clough,
>> 9/9/2012
>> Leibniz would say, "If there's no God, we'd have to invent him
>> so that everything could function."
>>  ----- Receiving the following content -----
>> *From:* Craig Weinberg
>> *Receiver:* everything-list
>> *Time:* 2012-09-08, 13:30:43
>> *Subject:* Re: Re: Racism ? How's that implied ?
>> On Saturday, September 8, 2012 9:34:45 AM UTC-4, rclough wrote:
>>>  because ironically and
>>> paradoxically they see the world in terms of race.
>>> Conservatives attempt to live by facts. I never
>>> saw racism in what what I wrote until you brought
>>> the subject up.
>> Are you familiar with the KKK? The John Birch Society? Would you call
>> those liberal organizations? I don't want to get into a political flame
>> war, but just so you know, liberals do not see the world in terms of race,
>> but they are prejudiced against conservatives because they see them as
>> people who are unaware of their own ignorance of the facts and uncaring of
>> the consequences of that ignorance. Of course that may not be the case, but
>> any of the hundreds of millions of liberals who might read what you have
>> written there will interpret it in precisely that way.
>> Personally, my theory is that people generally imitate or contradict the
>> political orientation of the first strongly political person they are
>> exposed to in their life. Usually a parent or older sibling - if they like
>> them, they see the political world through their eyes, if they dislike
>> them, they seek to prove themselves unlike them. It's really that simple.
>> Very few people research politics methodically and impartially and
>> formulate a set of opinions based on 'facts'.
>> Craig
>> Craig
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