On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 11:01 AM, Telmo Menezes <te...@telmomenezes.com>

> most people can't juggle 5 balls. A few people can, but nobody thinks
they are creative because of it.

I think you'd have to admit that all else being equal juggling is more
creative than not juggling, at least a little.  Its just that in today's
world most don't find  watching a person juggle to be very interesting, but
it's more interesting than watching a person just sit there and stare
blankly into empty space.

> I think that creativity is the ability to generate coherent novelty.

It needs one more attribute, it needs to be interesting; firing a paintball
gun at a canvas will produce a novel pattern never before seen on this
planet, but it is unlikely to be judged very interesting by many. Therefore
creativity is not in the thing itself but in the eye of the beholder;
what's new and exciting to me may be old hat and boring to you.

  John K Clark

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